The fools who voted for Biden…
Have no clue about what’s going to happen.
Vote for Trump!
from Styxhexenhammer666
This guy has so many interesting and informative videos sometimes it’s difficult to decided which one to post. I chose this one because how it concerens me personally.
Most of us have long known that for the last fifty years so called ‘public education’ has been nothing more than Leftist, Marxist political indoctrination.
“Black Lives Matter“ is a Marxist front group where certain black lives are more equal then others
“Climate Change” previously known as the “Global Warming” hysteria has never been about “saving the planet”. It’s always been to mask the true goal of destroying Capitalism and the economic freedom that comes with it. As manifested in “the Green New Deal”, it’s also Marxism pure and simple.
Between Vermont High Schools flying BLM flags and students on climate strikes it’s obvious that “teachers” haven’t “taught’ for decades, but have become “Political Commissars” in Vermonts version of the Komsomol.
But what’s totally galling is that while all this was going on in our schools (in the name academic freedom of course) we were forced by law to pay for it out of our property taxes. Mainly to pay teacher and administrator’s saleries and for their healthcare.
80% of my property tax bill goes to the schools. Personally I would like to see them closed permanently and the buildings torn down.
The only thing I remotely smile about is that the teachers retirement pension fund has been underfunded for decades. And thanks to teacher malpractice causing ambitious young people to leave the State I don’t think Vermonts economy and revenues is going to grow very much in the years to come.
It couldn’t happen to a better group.