Social commentary

The “Wise Old Owl” and the Timid Old Mouse.

Being a one party state has not been unique for the State of Vermont.

For nearly 100 years after the Civil War,  up until 1962 Vermont was a bedrock for the Republican Party.  The “Party of Lincoln”.  Up until the 1950’s the only division was that the Republican Party itself had divided into “conservative and liberal wings.

George Akin, Republican Governor 37-41.  34  years as a Senator from 41-75. He was a progressive Republican.


It was during Nixon’s first term concerning the Vietnam war that he stated…(paraphrasing) ‘declare victory and get out’.
He spent $17.04 on his last reelection campaign.  He was the Dean of the Senate.  And like many Republicans then and now was often not in lockstep with his own party’s stated agenda.
Vermont’s transition from Red to blue continued when in 1975 Pat Leahy was elected to fill the retiring Akin’s seat.

Leahy2009.jpg  1975 – present

He is now the “Dean of the Senate.  He is a solid Liberal, a Catholic in name only, Batman movie extra, and a Democrat party apparatchik.
He saw where the wind was blowing. In Vermont and his political party. All the boxes are checked. Pro-choice abortion, against school vouchers, favors increased taxes and minimum wage, pro unions,  in favor of gun control, all in on the climate change scam etc.
He’s also believes in a “Living Constitution”
Senators Chuck Schumer and Patrick Leahy claimed that newly confirmed Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch was not in the “legal mainstream.” They were referring to the “living Constitution” approach to constitutional interpretation. That interpretative approach, still thriving today and embraced by the liberal left, says that the U.S. Constitution should be a document that judges regard as one “that evolves, changes, over time, and adapts to new circumstances, without being formally amended.”
Pat Leahy knows his Senate seat is secure for as long as he wants it. Vermont is as solidly democrat blue today as it was republican red a long, long time ago.
He has to see what is happening to the Country, apparently he’s fine with it.  One thing Democrats don’t do even when you have the clout of seniority is to question in anyway the Party agenda.
The Democrat Party does not tolerate Mavericks.
Only timid old mice.

A prediction made almost 54 years ago.


I’m old enough to remember Paul Harvey. I’m sure  millennials have no clue.


Remember that just because you don’t believe in [Satan]the devil, Satan certainly believes in you.  He could not care less wither you believe in him or not.  His greatest accomplishment is convincing you he doesn’t exist. And what makes him most happy is that you don’t believe that the other guy exists either.



A Blow for Equality

Someday soon women may be receiving that letter from Uncle Sam. Just as men do.

A federal judge has ruled the male only draft unconstitutional because women are now eligible for combat roles.

In recognition of this I present my favorite albeit fictional female soldier.
May all our female soldiers live up to her grit, bravery and determination.

A salute to Dizzy!

Some interesting public service announcements

By actors who are shocked at what they’re reading.

1. Feminism.


2. Illegal immigration.


3. Gun control.

Does it make you think? That maybe your not being told the facts,  only a  narrative. 

But some people don’t seem to mind being lied too.

It comforts them.

It’s been said that only “White People” can be Racist

Let’s meet Ms. Sarah Jeong.

Born in South Korea in 1988, came to U.S.A. when she was three.

Now here is a little background of the country of her birth.

Although a variety of different Asian peoples had migrated to the Korean Peninsula in past centuries, few have remained permanently, so by 1990 both South Korea and North Korea numbered among the world’s most ethnically homogeneous nations. The indigenous minorities population amounted to negligible number. In South Korea, people of foreign origin, including Westerners, Chinese, and Japanese, amounted to a small percentage of the population who generally resided in the country temporarily.

Like their Japanese neighbors, Koreans tend to equate nationality or citizenship with membership in a single, homogeneous ethnic group or “race” (minjok, in Korean). Koreans view a common language and culture as important elements in Korean identity. The idea of multiracial or multi-ethnic nations, like India or the United States, strikes many Koreans as odd or even contradictory. 

Now we know that Koreans both North and South do have quite a dislike for the Japanese. Which is not surprising  considering 35 years of brutal occupation from 1910 to 1945.

Most far eastern countries, China, Japan The two Korea’s their populations are as mentioned “homogeneous”.  Xenophobic may be too harsh a word…maybe not. In any event she did immigrate from a country that does value its racial purity.

She is oblivious that 68 years ago solders from many western nations (the vast majority I suspect were “white”) saved South Korea from being overrun by the Communist North. Who knows, instead of being indoctrinated in race hatred at UC Berkeley and Harvard law school, she could now be eating rats in one of North Korea’s notorious Prison Camps, or a guard administering the beatings.

The “White people” especially the old “White men” of the Democrat party either agree with her or are too frighten to speak out. They better keep looking over their shoulder.  Their turn will come.

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Now we come to the Democrat (Socialist) Party.

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Constitution? What Constitution.


This is what happens if you escape the plantation.

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Candace Owens, along with Charlie Kirk, was shouted out of a restaurant in Philadelphia by a group of antifa thugs. Apparently, it’s now OK (again) for Democrats to harass black women in restaurants. What will be next, burning a cross on her lawn?

What do Democrats in Vermont think about this? Do they not dare speak up…or do they approve?

I wonder?


No one seems to be riding out of town on a rail…yet.

Nearly a year ago these baby’s made big news!
Passenger rail service may soon be coming to the Barre-Montpelier area. Seven Budd rail diesel cars — “Budliners” — arrived in the area from Texas on Tuesday for storage at the former Bombardier plant in Barre Town in anticipation of their future use in both central and western Vermont. Greeting the rail cars as they arrived were John Hollar and Thomas Lauzon, mayors of Montpelier and Barre, respectively. The Budliner passenger cars are seen as the centerpiece of a transportation system that could pave the way to helping meet net zero-energy emission goals in Vermont. 
It’s Ironic that Libs and Progressives sometime accuse Republicans of wanting to take America back to the Fifties.

And back on Sept 12th  2017    Vermont visionary David Blittersdorf had bad news and good news.

The bad news, he says, is that the nation and world will run out of oil and face catastrophic collapse at local, national and global levels. The good news is that a combination of conservation and renewable energy sources can avert a crisis, but it will require a concerted effort — and commitment — to do so. 

Blittersdorf’s latest pitch on the renewal energy front is to bring back passenger rail service in central Vermont with 1950s-era self-propelled diesel rail cars. It’s his latest salvo that has included pioneering progress in wind and solar energy programs in the state. For Blittersdorf, the writing is on the wall, but he hopes to help rewrite the dismal history of the future.

More than once, he described his plan as “Back to the Future” that will transform the way Vermonters travel while helping to cut the state’s dependence on fossil fuels and combat climate change in an effort to become 90 percent net-zero carbon free by 2050.

But on March 12th of this year Mr. Blittersdorf had this to say…

Commuter rail service isn’t returning to the Granite City anytime soon and a man who has bet big on a railroad renaissance in Vermont said Monday his 12 stainless steel trains are at least a year away from leaving any station.

David Blittersdorf, of AllEarth Rail, had hoped the first of the two-directional, self-contained Budd Co. cars he purchased from Dallas Area Rapid Transit for $5 million two years ago would be carrying passengers this year. However, he told members of the Barre Area Development Corp.’s Board of Directors that was an overly optimistic projection.

Blittersdorf’s revised estimate can be summed up in three words: maybe next year, though he conceded that is far from certain and bringing the service to Barre is more of a dream than a priority.

As Kermit the Frog would say “It’s not easy being green”

Last time I checked here they set in back of the old Bombardier rail car factory.

But maybe the solution isn’t ‘Budd’ but ‘Budd light’.

The city of Montpelier has applied for a $250,000 grant to study launching a light rail service in central Vermont….

the grant application followed a declaration by Montpelier in 2014 of its goal to become carbon neutral by 2030. In 2016, the Montpelier Energy Action Committee partnered with NetZero Vermont on a design contest to advance the vision of a low-carbon future for the city and the region.

All in the name of of “saving the planet”.

Commuter rail cannot operate without massive subsidies of taxpayer money.  Even in big cities with large populations.

Back to the 1950’s ? Let’s try for 1900.

Forward into the past!

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statehouse photo
Trains were the equivalent then of air travel today.  Back when roads were impassable at certain times of the year and taking a horse and buggy to Boston was just not practicable.
They were able to operate in the black.  Not any more.
  ” The dismal history of the future” will only happen if “progressives” gain control of it.