Social commentary

Old people are expensive to keep alive you know.

An essay from Dr. Ezekiel J. Emanuel; An argument that society and families—and you—will be better off if nature takes its course swiftly and promptly.

That was in 2014, Dr. Death is singing a differernt tune now

A number of liberal pundits have accused anyone who suggests reopening the economy of trying to selfishly sacrifice their grandparents to the gods of Wall Street. When the Texas lieutenant governor argued that old people should volunteer to die and save the economy, it was a national story. But here we have a leading adviser to the presumptive candidate of the Democratic Party who once argued, before there was any crisis, that the elderly were an encumbrance of the young.

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Are people getting fed up?


Tim Pool is a liberal who it seems values truth over ideology.

He asks that his video’s be shared because YouTube may remove them at any time.


Pool’s political commentary has been variously described as left-wing[34] and right-wing.[35] He has described himself as a social liberal who supported Bernie Sanders in 2016. According to Politico, Pool’s “views on issues including social media bias and immigration often align with conservatives'”.[36] According to Al Jazeera, “Pool has amplified claims that conservative media endure persecution and bias at the hands of tech companies. Via Wikipedia

A Few Tid Bits

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Went down to the local Dollar General and saw a sign that “masks” were now required to enter the store. I’ve so far refused to wear a mask as 1. I’m not sick, (depressed…yes) and 2. I refuse to live in fear. Unfortunately too many people it seems are afraid.

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There can always be a silver lining if you look hard enough. With schools closed indoctrination is suspended. And that’s a good thing.

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George Carlin is dead…on

Abraham Lincoln had once stated the the invention of writing was perhaps the greatest invention of mankind in that it allowed the dead to speak to the living and the living to speak to generations yet unborn.

Today of course that invention is augmented with video and sound.

While I don’t neccessarily agree with George Carlin on everything he espoused, he was quite a social critic who made you laugh at the same time

He passed in 2008, yet he seems even more revelant today.

Green Fascism

It’s thrives in the “Green” Mountain State.

Claiming that their fighting to save the planet is just a means to another end. The control of humanity by a self appointed elite.

Lyndon climate march

Elementary school students, young fascist in training. As instructed by their poltical commissars teachers.

Could ordinary people like these be capable of violence and sacrificing their own freedom if it meant in their minds saving the planet?

M.L.K. day 2020

A Guest Commentary, by R.E.

On this MLK day, I always remember one of his lesser known quotes that I believe came true, but he never saw.  
“If America’s soul is poisoned, the autopsy will need to include the Vietnam war.
I believe our present situation America finds itself in with regards to the far left was born on college campuses during the Vietnam war.  While I don’t have anything against them protesting, especially since then they had a REAL reason, they never moved on.  Today the bulk of the professors indoctrinating the youth are still stuck in this “America Sucks” mindset.  
The left does not achieve satisfaction from accomplishments, they are much happier with tearing something apart.
Their first high is protesting, the second is being totalitarian tyrants.

An Ironic Picture….

Reality Check for Democrats: Would Martin Luther King Be ...

Under President Trump…

Unemployment rate at a fifty year low.

Unemloyment rates for Blacks and Hispanics at “record lows.“.

Who would have thunk it.

If we are not careful, our colleges will produce a group of close-minded, unscientific, illogical propagandists, consumed with immoral acts. Be careful, ‘brethren!’ Be careful, teachers!” Martin Luther King, Jr.