Social commentary

History and Future

History and future, what has been and what has yet to be.

Leftist, Marxist Communist, Socialist, progressives all concur on this point.  The march of history points to the inevitable triumph of a Progressive utopia.

But if a certain change is truly inevitable, why is it important for human agency to lend a hand, indeed to struggle mightily on its behalf? Here we turn to the critical matter of timing. While a change may be inevitable, the intervention of man can and will speed up this most desired of happenings. Man can function, in one of Marx’s favorite obstetrical metaphors, as a “midwife” of history.2 Man’s intervention could give the inevitable a helpful push.

Progressives in the west and especially in America have been very patient. They dedicate themselves to a cause even though they understand that they most likely were not going to be alive when final victory was achieved. It is their religion.

But will it really be so? Is Socialism a historical inevitability? Well if “the intervention of man” can speed it up then the intervention of man can stop or at least slow it down.

Obama care, which was intended to fail from its inception was to be a stepping stone to single payer. “Free” healthcare the best avenue for big government to place a dog collar around the necks of the people

Sadly, we have had at least three recent examples where one man might have changed the course of history, but they turned out to be cowards.

Former Senator Ben Nelson of Nebraska, a “pro-life” democrat,  who in the past had voted with republicans against his party leadership. He even had a favorable rating from the NRA. But on Christmas Eve 2009 his vote was what put Obama care over the top.

Question, How many thousands of pages of the Obamacare bill were there that Congress had no time to read?

One Vote.  Party loyalty came first over his “principles”. He did not want to go down in history as the man who de-railed the first black presidents signature achievement and the goal of 100 years of “progressive” politics.

Next: Chief Justice John Roberts who decided that he did not want to go down in history as the man who de-railed the first black presidents signature achievement. He stated that the law was unconstitutional as written. So he took it upon himself to re-write it as a “tax”  which made it constitutional. That made it 5-4 siding with the leftist on the court. then he wrote both the majority and minority opinions.  Then he left town in a hurry.

I didn’t know that the Supreme Court was allowed to re-write legislation.

One vote Chief Justice Roberts did not want to go down in history as the man who de-railed the first black presidents signature achievement.

Finally we have the head of the F.B.I. James Comey.  who gave a laundry list of why Hillary Clinton should be indicted then weaseled out saying that they couldn’t find intent.  I guess that he did not want to go down in history as the one who indicted the potential first women president.

Hillary should be in prison for treason.

Update: Comey is perhaps trying to redeem himself, A revolt in the ranks of the F.B.I. may have persuaded him.

In Comey’s defense he is dealing with the most corrupt and politicized Justice Dept.  that country has ever known.

Three men who could have changed the course of history (or future) for the better. And they decided to take a pass.

Inevitability ??












Capitalism vs. Socialism




A guy looked at my Harley and said, “I wonder how many people could have been fed for the money that motorcycle cost.” I replied, “I am not sure, it fed a lot …of families in Milwaukee Wisconsin who built it, it fed the people who make the tires, it fed the people who made the components that went into it, it fed the people in the copper mine who mined the copper for the wires, it fed people in Decatur Il. at Caterpillar who make the trucks that haul the copper ore, I guess I really don’t know how many people it fed.”
That is the difference between capitalism and welfare mentality. When you buy something you put money in peoples pockets and give them dignity for their skills. When you give someone something for nothing , you rob them of their dignity and self-worth. Capitalism is freely giving your money in exchange for something of value, Socialism is taking your money against your will and shoving something down your throat that you never asked for.

100 middle eastern refugees to Rutland

100 Syrian and Iraq refugees will arrive in Rutland sometime in Dec or Jan. so reports WCAX-3.

The city government of Rutland has kept this plan secret from the public until recently and is still withholding many details.

Here’s a few questions.

What percentage will be women and children?

Will there be any Christians among them? I doubt it.

How many single men will there be?

Does Rutland presently have a Mosque?

Will they have medical exams to insure that they don’t have infectious diseases.

From The American Thinker May 24th 201

The character of the city of Rutland, Vermont is facing major change.  Nestled in the beautiful Green Mountains of Vermont, it is an unsuspecting city targeted for refugee resettlement.  After being kept in the dark since their mayor’s unilateral decision to accept 100 Syrian and Iraqi refugees in October, Rutland citizens should investigate the threatening impact that refugee resettlement has on their own public security, economic stability and community health before it’s too late.

If Muslims could simply practice their religion in peace, say their prayers five times a day. Be good neighbors and recognize the U.S. Constitution as the supreme law of the land, (not Sharia law).  And a Muslim girl can date a non-Muslim boy without fear of her father killing her. Then there would be no problems.  But that’s usually not how it works.

Its going to be quite an experiment.


Have you ever noticed?

Have you ever noticed that within the last few years that whenever you call costumer service for practically any type of business you are told in advance that the call is being recorded for “training purposes”.  I don’t doubt that this is true. Of course it also serves another purpose,  If your calling because you are royally pissed off with them either for a gross mistake, crummy service or defective merchandise, if you know that everything you say is being recorded then you will temper your emotions, and have a civil conversation, explaining your dissatisfaction calmly, and lo and behold you usually come to a successful resolution.

Not that you would ever make a total ass of yourself by shouting into the phone you GD,MF,SOB, and have it recorded for posterity.

Of course some people could not care less.

We all say stupid things, but we don’t expect to be recorded and have it thrown in our faces ten or twenty years later.

Perhaps we should expect it now?  especially if your a conservative in your leanings.

Remember they control the language.

From Cut. Jib. Newsletter

A complete lowlife, then there’s Trump.

I will still pull the lever for Trump. The Republican Establishment can suck eggs.

Lest we forget, the media is a willing appendage of the Democrat-Leftist-Big Government regime. They obviously had this footage of Trump for months if not years; they could have released it during the primaries yet waited until a Friday, two days before a crucial debate. Plus, this footage was surreptitiously recorded without Mr. Trump’s knowledge. Compare and contrast with the Planned Parenthood body parts exposé, all but ignored by the media except to damn the reporters for their work and who now face prosecution; Billy Bush is, of course, an intrepid hero.

Read it all.

Orwell was a prophet

From the blog “Conservative Review”


What a “progressive” really means by dialog

I would love to hear your version of the truth because you are so important to me, but first let me insist how “it is in silence that people such as Donald Trump come to power and thereby erode even our most sacred relationships.” Huh? Now, I’m as into diagnosing Trump as a dangerous clown as anybody, but that sounds strangely like you are primarily interested in widening the divide.

And it also seems like you don’t realize, or don’t care, that Hillary Clinton is also a moral reprobate and political thug who has a rich track record of “erosion” all her own. So there’s some common ground for you if that was really where you wanted to plant your flag. But what exactly did you want to “dialogue” about with me again? Ah, that’s right. About me being a bigot. I remember now.

Come Nov. 9, after Hillary almost certainly beats Trump, that’s where we will all be living full time if we aren’t ensconced in that leper colony already. “I’m from the government and I’m here to help” will evolve into “kneel before Zod.”

– See more at:

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