Social commentary

Fascism is alive and well

And it’s the left and Hollywood who practice it.

Also known as “doublespeak”.


An article from the American Spectator.


But the issue with Irving is the same as it always is with far leftists. They engage in what Orwell called “doublespeak” — and in this case the goal is to disguise the fact that the “Fascists”— here the likes of Irving — have the whip hand. In this case, in Hollywood. Irving clearly gives no fig about dissent — if it is left-wing orthodoxy that is being dissented from. Like the gay Chadwick Moore or the black Clarence Thomas or the female Sarah Palin or the Hispanic Mexican/American Bush 43 Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, the moment one dissents from liberal orthodoxy then one is toast. You can be gay, black, a woman, Hispanic — if you have left the liberal plantation you will be trashed. And plantation managers like John Irving are there to make sure you obey the ole massa.

Read the whole thing.

Reason…the left don’t need no stinking reason.

From the American Thinker


Their use of inflammatory adjectives (racist, bigot, sexist, homophobe, Islamophobe, Nazi, fascist, etc.) to describe their opponents is nothing but an attempt to shut down debate (reason).

The left have made holding a viewpoint not consistent with their own progressive dogma tantamount to murder.

Under this environment, finding common ground will be difficult, if not impossible.  How can common ground be found, when one party (conservatives) are unable to use reason to make their case?

Make no mistake: what the left fears most is not that conservative ideas will fail, but that they’ll succeed.  They can’t abide the thought that liberty and self-determination might supplant the nanny state and centralized control.

Read it all.


This little snippet takes place in a Gulag labor camp called Ekibastuz  located in Kazakstan.  It’s the year 1953 and hunger strikes have started in protest of the conditions men were forced to endure. If men refuse to eat then he’s not obligated to work. This would led to violent reprisals. Finally  a commission of enquiry if formed as to the “legitimacy” of the strikers demands.

“The lofty-browed villain of a lieutenant colonel was especially quick to interrupt the speakers: he had a nimble tongue, and the advantage of impunity. With his caustic interjections he thwarted each of our attempts to present our case. From the tone which the proceedings were beginning to take you would thought that only we faced any charges and needed to defend ourselves.”


“…But as they sat there all in a row at the long table, exhibiting their sleek, white complacent, uniformly blank physiognomies, it was plain that they had long ago degenerated into a distinct biological type, that verbal communication between us had broken beyond repair, and that we could exchange only. . .bullets.”

From The Gulag Archipelago, Vol. 3 chapter 11 “Tearing at the Chains”.

By Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Does this all sound vaguely  familiar.

This is what eventually happens when progressives, socialist, communist acquired total political power and the force to weld it.

Also see Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, China.


A Conundrum

 A forward from an old boss.

Conundrum “you gotta read this a couple of times, it really makes sense”
  “A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don’t have one, you’ll probably never need one again.”
The definition of the word Conundrum is: something that is puzzling or confusing.
Here are six Conundrums of socialism in the United States of America :
1. America is capitalist and greedy – yet half of the population is subsidized.
2. Half of the population is subsidized – yet they think they are victims.
3. They think they are victims – yet their representatives run the government.
4. Their representatives run the government – yet the poor keep getting poorer.
5. The poor keep getting poorer – yet they have things that people in other countries only dream about.
6. They have things that people in other countries only dream about – yet they want America to be more like those other countries.
Think about it!  And that, my friends, pretty much sums up the USA in the 21st Century. Makes you wonder who is doing the math.
These three, short sentences tell you a lot about the direction of our current government and cultural environment:
1. We are advised to NOT judge ALL Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics, but we are encouraged to judge ALL gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics.
Funny how that works.  And here’s another one worth considering…
2. Seems we constantly hear about how Social Security is going to run out of money.  But we never hear about welfare or food stamps running out of money?  What’s interesting is the first group “worked for” their money, but the second didn’t.
Think about it…..and Last but not least   :
3. Why are we cutting benefits for our veterans, no pay raises for our military and cutting our army but we are not stopping the payments or benefits to illegal aliens.
Am I the only one missing something?

Happy Birthday Mr. Lincoln

Born February 12th 1809

Died April 15th 1865 from acute lead poisoning.  administered by a white supremacist DEMOCRAT!

I’m sure that the first Republican President could well relate to the latest Republican President, and vice versa.

Dissent is patriotic again.

It has been said in many times that the last time Democrats were this upset with a Republican President’s election was Nov. 6th  1860.

The last time the fight was over “States rights” and a “peculiar institution”.

Now it’s between two political ideologies. Progressivism A.K.A. Socialism, and Free Enterprise Capitalism.

I wonder what Franklin, Harry, and John would think of today’s Democratic Party.  There was no question that these men loved America,  WW2, Korea, and Vietnam all started or escalated under their watch.

The Democrat party has morphed into something truly sinister.  As the violence can attest. Most noticeably at Berkley, where a gay conservative speaker was denied his free speech rights ironically at the birthplace of the so called “free speech movement”.

But for the left it was always free speech for me but not for thee.

Those students were fighting the “establishment” then.  Now they are the “establishment”.

Violence is becoming the go-to tool in the Saul Alinski toolbox.

Democrats pay lip service to MLK but apparently is brand of non-violent resistance doesn’t cut it anymore with today’s progressives. I could be mistaken, but I have yet to hear any condemnation of the violence from any prominent democrat. Nothing from Pat, Peter, Bernie or Phil.

But their hatred is not just of Donald Trump and his policies. Their hate extends to everyone who had the audacity to cast a ballot for him.

To paraphrase Sally, They hate us, they really, really hate us.

They Control the media, they control academia, they control the culture and thanks to living in such an evil capitalist country they appear to have plenty of disposable income.

A second Civil War is raging as we speak.

Why couldn’t Americans have done the right thing and put Hillary in charge. In a few years we could have been emulating that most progressive country Venezuela.  The people in their wisdom swallowed the promises of the disciples of Socialism that said everyone would be equal, equally poor, exceptions being the leaders, the bureaucracy, and the enforcers of the law.

The Chi-Coms,  Iranian Mullahs and fat boy from N.K. wouldn’t be angry with us. They would be to busy laughing.

Donald Trump is President of a country as fractured as the one Abe Lincoln had.

Fasten your seat belts. It’s going to be quite a ride.











Tomorrow will be a new day.

Trump becomes President in a nation perhaps more divided now then at anytime since 1861.

Ironic that the democrat party, once the party of slavery and Jim Crow and now the party of “progressivism” which is a nice way of saying socialist/slash communist is playing the same role as the confederates in 1861.

My hopes and prayers are with him. It will be a fight from the moment he is sworn in.

I’m thankful I’ve lived to see this day. But it’s only the beginning.

He had a dream.

Sunday Jan. 15th was Martin Luther King’s birthday. Had a bullet from Democrat James Earl Ray not cut down the Republican Martin Luther King in 1967 the history of our nation would have been radically  different.  If King were still alive he would have been 87. Well within the possibility that he would still be with us today.

What would Dr. King think of how those who stood with him all those years ago,  men like the Rev.  Jessie Jackson,  and Rep. John Lewis?  They became democrats.  They same party that was responsible for Jim Crow and the KKK.

What would Dr. King think of  Narcissist in Chief  Obama?  One can only speculate.

Dr. King didn’t live long enough to witness the full effects that LBJ’s “Great Society”  would have on the black family. Like most utopian dreams it came with loads of good intentions  that always eventually pave the road to hell.

Blacks were once shackled at the wrists and ankles by democrats. Now they’re shackled at the mind. After fifty years of a “war on poverty” and eight years of our first black president, (at least on the outside) race relations in America are worse then ever.  And a lot of black people are thoroughly content to stay on the democrat plantation.  Because excuses are much easier then doing the hard work that can bring success.

The Democrat Party requires dependent people. That’s why they are given a lousy education in schools run by democrat teachers unions.

In Democrat run cities like Chicago blacks are killing each other in record numbers. Planned Parenthood is doing its part too.

Men like Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas,  Mr.  Lloyd Marcus  ,  Milwaukee county sheriff David A.  Clarke Jr.  Col. Allen West, Sen. Tim Scott. and women like Rep. Mia Love and Condoleezza Rice represent who Dr. King had in mind as people “judged not by the color of their skin but the content of their character”. These people are accused by black democrats and the left as being “Uncle Toms and Aunt Jemima’s” but they represent the greatest threat to the left’s socialist agenda.

Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, John Lewis and the congressional black caucus long ago submitted to their old masters the democrat party in exchange for wealth and power

It’s much easer to sit around and bitch then do the work of trying to improve the lives of your people.


The Democrats just pay you lip service Martin.  But you are sorely missed.


This is why I can’t listen to Bruce Springsteen

I was once a big fan,  I listened to his music, I bought his albums.  But I can no longer listen, when a song of his comes on the radio I change the station. Why?  The man hates my  guts.

I voted for Trump.

Our paths diverged. He became a mega-rock star, has earned his multi-millions. his mansions. He’s able to by the best horses for his equestrian daughter.

He produce a product that people wanted to buy. Thanks to good old capitalism.

He puts on quite a show. No doubt that he works very hard at it, especially that “working mans” schtick .  Coming on stage like  he just left the construction site.  If from what I can recall about his biography I believe that this would have been his fate, joining a construction union and wearing a hardhat until you retire with no doubt a very nice pension.

But musical talent intervened.  Not just a rock star but Bob Dylan on steroids. Blue collar roots but hasn’t been blue collar for a long, long time.  Like a king walking in disquise among his peasants he hasn’t experience any economic hardship for a very long time.

My natural talents did not take me as far. Though I’m very thankful for what I have received.

Bruce Springsteen along with quite a few other rock stars (Springsteen is not the only one I personally boycott)  do not like the fact that Donald Trump is going to be our next President.

America’s heartland voted for him Bruce. What you think of Trump is what you think of them. Nice to Know how you really feel.

Ageing rock stars have been dropping like flies lately.  There will certain ones I will not mourn.

Well it’s 2017 and here they come ready or not

Lets start off the new year with this interesting post from American thinker commenting on this story from the old grey lady herself the New York Times.

Welcome to Rutland.

It was one of many preparations this remote city in central Vermont is making before 100 refugees from Syria and Iraq arrive here over the next year, with the first expected to come later this month.

The plan’s fiercest advocate has been the mayor of Rutland, Christopher Louras, who has cited not the moral argument for resettling refugees, but an economic one: This shrinking city, long removed from its heyday as a marble producer and regional railroad hub, needs every new resident it can get. Syrian refugees, he has said, are an opportunity
“Rutland’s demographic condition right now is not just one of a declining population, but it’s also a graying population,” said Mr. Louras, who became the mayor about 10 years ago as a Republican, but has since become an independent. “We need people,” he added

Vermont has a declining and aging population. Gee it wasn’t that long ago when everyone was worried about overpopulation. Not long ago at all when you read article after article  here, here, and here,  here overpopulation was a very bad thing.  Sir Paul McCartney even  wrote a song about it.

So after years of  liberals preaching about the evils of overpopulation. Creating an economy  where people can’t find good paying jobs, the result of high taxes and overregulation. Turning the State of Vermont into the most carbon neutral of all fifty states. Creating a secular society where certain “mistakes” can be corrected by a trip to planed parenthood. Where  public education has morphed in indoctrination, and opiate addiction has become an epidemic. Apparently local businesses can’t find enough decent employees.  We just have too many old white people.

So Vermont, like the “progressive” countries of Sweden, England an Germany are going to import diversity, which means that they do not have to assimilate to there new home. You better assimilate to them.  And the people who brought this about are more then likely not going to be living anywhere near them.

Ah diversity

I can see empty churches becoming mosques. with minarets to call to prayer

I assume schools and employers will provide pray rooms.

The local girls will find the Muslim boys fascinating.  I know it’s winter girls but make sure your covered from head to toe this summer also.

It’s going to be a very interesting year in Rutland Vt. in 2017.