Venezuela is on fire
I wonder what Bernie, Sean Penn, and Danny Glover have to say.
I wonder if they read The Daily Mail. They’re certainly not going to read much in the New York Times or The Times Argus, will they?
I wonder what Bernie, Sean Penn, and Danny Glover have to say.
I wonder if they read The Daily Mail. They’re certainly not going to read much in the New York Times or The Times Argus, will they?
The philosophy of moral relativism has been with us since the days of the ancient Greeks. This philosophy propagates the lie that there are no Moral absolutes and objective truths.
Found this You Tube channel by accident. It is small and relatively new. (no pun intended)
It’s worth checking out.
First the came for the climate change deniers, and also here.
Ignore at your own peril.
Look no further then our college campuses.
From Frontpage Mag.
By Daniel Greenfield
There is a place in America where civil rights don’t exist.
The First Amendment doesn’t apply. Neither does the Sixth Amendment. (Never mind the Second.) Not only Freedom of Speech, but Freedom of Association (NAACP v. Alabama) is under fire.
Snowflakes. Oversensitive. We’ve all heard those accusations leveled at college students. Are millennial college students really an oversensitive generation? Or are they right to be oversensitive.
Two types of people are sensitive; the entitled and the endangered. It’s reasonable to be paranoid about subtle social nuances if you live in a totalitarian state where the wrong word or look will be punished. Where someone is always watching for even the most minor acts of political incorrectness.
College students are afraid. And they should be.The average college campus with its speech codes, thought policing, violent protests and kangaroo courts has no resemblance to anything else in the United States of America.
Colleges are totalitarian states. And they are the blueprints of the left’s plan for the entire country.
What would America look like under Totalitarian rule?Read More »
Because being a journalist means you think you know everything when you really know nothing.
From Investor’s Business Daily
Economics: Why is it that reporters keep scratching their heads about Venezuela’s descent into extreme poverty and chaos? The cause is simple. Socialism. End it and you will end the misery. When the New York Times wrote about Venezuela’s ongoing collapse a year ago, it described how the country was suffering “painful shortages … even of basic foods,” and how “electricity and water are being rationed, and huge areas of the country have spent months with little of either.”
Here is how the Times explained the reason for Venezuela’s dire situation: “The growing economic crisis (was) fueled by low prices for oil, the country’s main export; a drought that has crippled Venezuela’s ability to generate hydroelectric power; and a long decline in manufacturing and agricultural production.”
There’s no mention — not one — of the fact that Hugo Chávez tried to turn Venezuela into a socialist paradise, policies that his successor Nicolás Maduro has continued. The Times’ coverage is par for the course.
Read the article.
Venezuela has been feeling the Bern. Someday Vermont may feel it too.
If it happens we’ll have President Trump to thank.
As we’ve been somewhat aware, relations between the four have been somewhat strained of the last year or two. Neil didn’t take kindly to David’s comments about his new squeeze, a washed up movie actress from the eighties, after splitting from his wife of 36 years.
David Crosby was also very pissed at Graham Nash for what he wrote in his memoir about him saying it was “full of inaccuracies and chock full of misinformation”.
Nash for his part says I’m completely done with David Crosby,” Mr. Nash bluntly told The Washington Times. “I will never talk with David Crosby again.”
Nash however did take a cue from Neil and split from his wife of 38 years.
The greatest recent change for Nash was separating from his wife of 38 years, Susan Sennett, and starting up again with his new girlfriend, Amy Grantham. “I fell in love with this wonderful person in New York City and my life has changed,” Nash reveals. “People are going to have to understand that. On my next birthday I’ll be 74 years old, and I need to be happy with whatever life I have left. So this album is a complete reflection of my life changing and me having the courage to go on with it.”
His girlfriend his half his age and looks a little like Joni Mitchell.
It’s good to be a rock star.
But now thanks to their shared hatred of President Donald Trump which has seemed to overcome their hatred of each other, their may be a reunion in the works. The four of them are probably busy writhing songs of protest right now. Why they could also share the stage with Bruce Springsteen.
Of course they may hate the man but by extension they must hate everyone who voted for him.
I used to be a big fan of them all, Neil in particular. But it seems like that was a long time ago.
The Captain and Tennille use to sing “Love will keep us together”, (they have since divorced).
With CSN&Y the emotion that brings them together appears to be HATE!
Sad! Very Sad.
From the blog Venezuela news and views.
Read it.
I wonder how many people in America and especially here in the D.S.P.R. of Vermont are aware if this.
The Socialist government of Nicolas Maduro has of course been confiscating guns from citizens under the guise that Venezuela has the highest murder rate in the world. At the same time he’s giving the guns to his street thugs supporters.
Protesting the government of Nicolas Maduro.
The security forces fly over the protesters.
Who would have thunk it? Even the year is right
Of course the sad part is that the people of Venezuela voted for this back in the nineties. They took control (the socialist) of the military and the judiciary. And like the socialist Fascist and Nazi’s of the 1920’s and 30’s once they take root it is impossible to vote them out.
Picture a boot implanted on your face…FOREVER!
Take it as a warning people. I see rivers of blood for Venezuela.
Haven’t heard of any comment from Sean Penn, Danny Glover, or Bernie.
But it’s ok. They want to save the planet and re-distribute your wealth.
Which alleviates any guilt about them being in the top .01%
A picture perfect moment! Barack and Michelle Obama pose on billionaire David Geffen’s superyacht during day out with Oprah, Bruce Springsteen and Tom Hanks in French Polynesia
Barack and Michelle Obama were guests on David Geffen’s 454ft superyacht Rising Sun on Friday
Oprah, Tom Hanks and Bruce Springsteen were also on board the stunning $300million vessel
The Obamas have been holidaying at the Brando resort in French Polynesia for the past month
Since leaving the White House, they have also visited Palm Springs, Hawaii and toured the Caribbean
Read it and puke.
Where? On our college campuses . Middlebury is only one example.
From Frontpage Mag.
Although universities and colleges are supposed to be places where ideas are exchanged and challenged, they are easily the most reactionary institutions in modern American society. Confronting the established wisdom there is a career-ender. Free speech exists in theory but only within the narrowest of prescribed limits. Speakers who violate the politically correct canon are shouted down, demonized, and assaulted. Truly new ideas are anathema in the academy, at least in the humanities and social sciences. Question identity politics, the cult of multiculturalism, or the evil inherent in white people and America, and your life in academia will be over before it begins.
“The cultural Marxism ideology that created identity politics in the first place now permeates the university far beyond the classroom,” opines Bruce Thornton, “and enables an intolerance for competing ideas, not to mention shutting down the ‘free play of the mind on all subjects’ that [English cultural critic] Matthew Arnold identified as the core mission of liberal education.”
And so the dominant illiberal ideology in higher education snuffs out its competition, marginalizing original thinking and combating intellectual diversity – and this weaponized intolerance spills over into the culture at large along the way. Free speech is a threat to the authoritarian glue that holds these taxpayer-supported warehouses of student indoctrination and conformity together, so it must be regulated. There is almost no life of the mind nowadays; there is the dictatorship of thought commissars. And woe to those who fail to toe the line.
America as it has existed is in deep shit.
A good friend of mine said that “it’s good that were old” Meaning that if were lucky we won’t be around to see that hell on earth that the next two generations have created.
I still have hope.
Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.[1] For example, a person who is habitually rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude. It incorporates blame shifting.
From the Times Argus via the AP
About 190 art-house theaters have banded together to show the 1984 big-screen adaptation of George Orwell’s dystopian masterpiece as a pointed comment on the presidency of Donald Trump, whose “alternative facts” administration has already sent “1984” back up the bestseller lists .
“It’s what’s in the air. People want to do something,” says Dylan Skolnick, an organizer of the event and co-director of the Cinema Arts Centre in Huntington, New York. “This started with a conversation about: We need to do something. Well, what do we do? We show movies. So the obvious answer was: We should show a movie
Cinemas around the country are increasingly programming with political protest in mind, playing movies that have newfound resonance for those who disagree with the policies of the Republican president. In May, some 60 theaters are planning to screen films from the predominantly Muslim nations targeted by Trump’s proposed travel ban. That initiative has been dubbed the Seventh Art Stand and billed as “an act of cinematic solidarity against Islamophobia.
Liberals and Progressives have rediscovered George Orwell.
“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”
“Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.” Orwell
“Alternate facts administration”, they say. So what is “fake news“, it’s news that’s just to good to check.
When you see the sign “Love Trumps Hate” you can bet that the holder is chock full of the latter.
The entire Obama Presidency was “Orwellian”, not to them of course.
It seems that most of our college campuses have turned into Animal Farms with their speech codes
And we can’t go without a little two minuet hate.
“Alternative facts” was the lefts trigger word that invoked the Orwell comparisons.
They have no clue that Orwell was most emphatically describing them.