Social commentary

Is Europe really doomed?

Well the odds are not in her favor.

After WW1 the old order of Europe was destroyed. The last of the absolute monarchies were overthrown. With millions dead the winning allies were in no mood to show magnanimity to the country they blamed for starting the war.  When the treaty of Versailles  that ended WW1 was imposed  on Germany even Marshal Ferdinand Foch who predicted with eerie precision that “This is not Peace. It is an Armistice for twenty years.” .

Likely WW2 would have still been avoided if it were not for the stock market crash of 1929 that sent the America and the world into economic depression.  Turned into the “great” depression by the policies of Hoover and Roosevelt. The great economic downturn was the catalyst that gave rise to Hitler and the Nazi party and also fuel Japans militarist into power. Japan was hit hard by the economic depression also.

So then came WW2, and in the end Europe and Japan were ground into dust. with close to 60  million dead worldwide.

Europe has been in the process of decay for a much long time.  For hundreds of years Europe has been wracked with wars that were sometime religious in nature but mostly that was the excuse given for kings to make war on their neighbors to grab land and resources. Saving souls for Christ was not at the top of the list.

But came the renaissance which was followed by the enlightenment.  A flowering of art and science and a questioning of the religious dogma of the day. The eighteenth century saw two revolutions that rocked the world. The American and the French.  Both extolled equality and liberty, but where in America it was mainly fought between armed combatants, in France Liberté, égalité, fraternité was  purchased via state terror and rivers of blood. One of the first acts of the revolutionaries  was the de-Christianization of France.

With the Industrial Revolution came upward mobility for many but harsh working conditions caused resentment and the devil exploit’s  any opportunity. If one believes that the writers of the Bible were guided by the hand of God then the writers of The Communist Manifesto perhaps were guided by the hand of Satan. Of course  Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels didn’t believe in Satan either.

After WW2 America rebuilt (the western half) Europe with the Marshall Plan. It also took on the responsibility of defending Europe against a Soviet Invasion. Freed from having to defend themselves they decided they could do Marxism Socialism the right way without the firing squads and Gulags. Free healthcare and education can be very appealing along with 30 days paid vacation.  And so what if you can’t find a job, the check would be in the mail forever. If a government is going to care for you cradle to grave, who needs God.

Christian Europe, who repulsed Muslim invasions in the sieges of Vienna in 1529 and in 1683 is no more. Decades of living the “good” life led to falling birth rates. Suddenly there were not enough people to man the jobs and pay the taxes  mass immigration from Muslim countries began in hopes that they would assimilate. They don’t.

The European Left, preoccupied with political correctness and climate change cannot and doesn’t want to see the threat Europe is under. Their hubris is without measure. They cannot admit a mistake. It’s their religion.

And Left wing America admires them and demands that we be like them.

Perhaps when the Muslims take over they will do away with shit like this.


A little commentary from “Ski and Wayne”


From the deepred channel .

Ski and Wayne are two country boys who like to talk politics while cruising the back roads of central Vermont. Ski is the “articulate one”. They like to make videos but are pretty much novices.  They are both conservatives and Trump supporters and think Libs are just plain crazy.  Hopefully we’ll hear more from these two in the near future.




Thomas Sowell is national treasure. But not to the progressives

Thomas Sowell Born in NC, but raised in Harlem, educated at Harvard, Columbia and Chicago University. He is an economist who has taught at Cornell, Brandeis, The Urban Institution, UCLA and now at Stanford. He is also a Marine.

You never hear this man’s name mentioned on the main stream media. Like Justice Clarence Thomas they likely consider him a traitor to his race.


There is other peoples money, then there is “MY” money.

There is a scene in the movie Doctor Zhivago where the good doctor comes home to discover that the Revolution has abolished private property.


Definition of capitalism :  an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market. A free market is an economy operating by free competition.

Capitalism when it comes to book royalties has been very, very good for Comrade Bernie. Along with his hew dacha on lake Champlain life has been pretty good for someone you never held a steady job until he was elected Mayor of Burlington (by 10 votes) at age 40.

Bernie Sanders made more than $858,000 in royalties for two new books last year, according to the 2016 financial disclosure the senator quietly filed on Sunday.

And he’s keeping the money.

Most of that money, $795,000, comes from Our Revolution: A Future To Believe In, a book Sanders wrote for St. Martin’s Press. Published on Nov. 15, the book included Sanders’ account of the 2016 election. Hardcover copies sold for $27—the average amount contributed to Sanders’ presidential campaign.

In addition, Sanders received $63,750 in royalties for a book that hasn’t yet hit the shelves: The Bernie Sanders Guide to Political Revolution. The book seeks to help its teenage audience “learn more about progressive causes and how to mobilize around key issues they care about,”

After the Bolsheviks took control of Russia for good Lenin and other leading Bolshevik leaders appropriated the mansions and estates of the wealthy landowners who in most cases were no longer among the living. I doubt very much that the scene above took place at any of their residences.

Bernie writes books (producing a product), a publisher takes a chance that they’re many people who want to read i.e. buy them.  Obviously this is the case and Bernie made a windfall. Good for him.

Like Al Gore who has made millions off the global warming climate change scam, Bernie has achieve a very comfortable lifestyle all the while pushing an ideology of the redistribution of other peoples wealth.

Socialism for the people, not the socialist.

I hope that if and when Bernie’s long for Revolution arrives that he and all the other rich progressives that are pushing this will be more then willing to open their homes to all the new immigrants from south of the border and the middle east, just like Dr. Zhivago.

Dirty little secret, most of the so called 1%, Steyer,  Gates,  Bloomberg, et al. are all on board with this. They what to keep the torches and pitchforks away from their door, and avoid any bad publicity from the media. Feeding the alligator hoping it will eat them last.

“All are equal, just some people are more equal then others”