Social commentary

This is what progressivism leads too.

Well, this I was not aware of.

Tonight I read a story about my home state on Yahoo. news.

Vermont subsidizes rich Libs to move here.

Starting in 2019, Vermont will pay people who move there and work remotely for an out-of-state employer $10,000 over two years to cover relocation expenses, coworking memberships, computers, internet, and other work-related expenses. Gov. Phil Scott signed the bill into law on Wednesday (May 30).

Some of us are old enough to remember when Vermont was known as the beckoning country.

In 1965, the Vermont Development Department proclaimed Vermont the “Beckoning Country” and crafted an aggressive ad campaign that included “4 Seasons and 47 Reasons” why tourists should spend their vacation dollars in the state

Well things are a little different now.

Gov. Phil Scott made luring new Vermonters a key to his State of the State address in January. “We know the challenge. We’re losing, on average, six workers from our workforce and three students from our schools, every single day,” he said.

Since he took office in 2017, Scott has challenged various state departments to help resolve the problem posed by the state’s aging population and to make luring young people to the state a high priority.

So now we’re trying to in tice  people to come here from New York City or Connecticut,  buy a home and because we really don’t have that many jobs the State will subsidize you $5000 a year with high speed internet and other stuff so you can perform your big city job from the comfort of your new home in bucolic Vermont  and pay lots of taxes.

So how have we come to this state of affairs?

Well in the first wave from the late sixties early seventies you had the back to the land hippie invasion that brought people like Bernie Sanders to Vermont. Bernie has never earned a paycheck from a private employer in his life. Even Stalin was briefly employed as a weatherman.

This moved Vermont over the course of several decades to the far left politically.

This of course has cause and effect.

Liberals Progressives believe that there is practically nothing that can’t be taxed.  After all it’s not really your money anyway. Because…

Progressives want to give you “single payer” (free) healthcare.  Unfortunately Doctors and nurses won’t work for $15 an hour. The government pays them and the expense of maintain a hospital with money they took from you.  Eventually we’ll have something like Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) .

You can read examples of quality free healthcare here, here, here and here.

And always remember, he who pays the piper calls the tune.


Now when any property owner looks at his property tax bill he/she will notice that about 80% of goes to education indoctrination.  Reading, writing and arithmetic is so 19th century . For that matter even 20th.

No! Schools today are to turn out Social Justice Warriors. 

And what is the biggest social justice cause in the State of Vermont?

Why Climate change of course. And one does one assist in the battle against climate change besides destroying capitalism.

And like our European cousins you stop having kids.

When that happens you become Gezer state.

Vermont’s unemployment rate is a miniscule 2.8%. That’s full employment.

Vermont ranks 47 out of 50 in business tax climate

So where are the good high paying jobs for young people in this state

Our schools are turning out drones instead of thinkers.

The kids that have brains and common sense are getting the hell out.                                         So now we’re paying people to come here.

To live here yet keep their jobs that are out of state.

Elsewhere in the country the economy is BOOMING!

Progressive Liberalism is a mental illness.








This is getting to close for comfort.

Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime. - Lavrentiy Beria

For everyone who has never heard of this bastard please refer to this link.



Robert Mueller

Everyone should know who this bastard is.

“Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime “

So is there a dime’s worth of difference????


How often wondered how many Supreme Court Justices may be roasting in Hell.

Read this one from a 15 year old.


Lord’s Prayer

By a 15-year-old school kid who got an A+ for this entry (TOTALLY AWESOME)!

The Lord’s Prayer is not allowed in most U.S. Public schools any more.

A kid in Minnesota wrote the following NEW School Prayer:-


Now I sit me down in school

Where praying is against the rule

For this great nation under God

Finds mention of Him very odd

If scripture now the class recites,

It violates the Bill of Rights.

And anytime my head I bow

Becomes a Federal matter now

Our hair can be purple, orange or green,

That’s no offense; it’s a freedom scene.

The law is specific, the law is precise.

Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice

For praying in a public hall

Might offend someone with no faith at all.

In silence alone we must meditate,

God’s name is prohibited by the State.

We’re allowed to cuss and dress like freaks,

And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks.

They’ve outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible.

To quote the Good Book makes me liable.

We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,

And the ‘unwed daddy,’ our Senior King.

It’s ‘inappropriate’ to teach right from wrong.

We’re taught that such ‘judgments’ do not belong.

We can get our condoms and birth controls,

Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles.

But the Ten Commandments are not allowed,

No word of God must reach this crowd.

It’s scary here I must confess,

When chaos reigns the school’s a mess.

So, Lord, this silent plea I make:

Should I be shot; My soul please take!


Of course for some who are enduring the tragic event that took place in Florida  the villain is not the shooter but the Gun. 

From the Morning report via Ace of Spades.

—J.J. Sefton

Good morning kids. Mercifully the weekend is here, and like yesterday I had hoped to not have to deal with the political grandstanding whoring that the evil Left – and everything they have said and done in the last 36 hours, let alone 150 years, justifies that label – but alas, I cannot. Because it’s a war; a war for the hearts, minds and souls of every man, woman and child (the one’s who manage to clear the birth canal and escape Planned Parenthood) in this nation.

As with everything else, they lie. If you can stomach it, listen to the words that narcissistic cretins like Chris Cuomo are told to recite (Lord knows, his simpleton intellect precludes him from actually writing what he mouths) and if you just substitute names, dates and adjectives, it’s just a boilerplate screed for the crisis du jour; poverty, crime, racism, sexism, imperialism. Lots of “ism” (ironic that there isn’t an “ism” in homophobia). But I’m going to go out on a limb here and state that if you really want to get at the root cause of what happened in Florida, it’s the destruction of the nuclear family and Judeo-Christian morality and values that binds our society. And we all know who advocates that and why. It’s funny that as angry as the Left gets, the one thing that sets them off more than anything else are those who advocate prayer in a time of crisis. It’s quite striking, really. To that I say, pray. Good and hard. Pray for the restoration of morality and sanity to America and for the annihilation of Progressivism….

Read it all.

The real enemy is Progressivism, a cancer in America that has in that has infected the country for many decades. And is now metastasizing.



 London 1875

Not Santa Claus.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has been corrupted.


I remember when the F.B.I. was looked upon with respect and admiration.

From its founding…


Remember watching this T.V. series.

Yes, there was a time when no one questioned the integrity of the F.B.I..

I’m sure that there has to be more then a few skeleton’s in the F.B.I.’s closet over the course of it’s history.

Like wiretapping Martin Luther King and recording his wild sex life but Bobby Kennedy had to give approval, which he did.

And of course there was that since de-bunked rumor that Hoover liked to relax in fish-net stockings.

But Now…

From J.J. Sefton via Ace of Spades

….the sad and frightening truth has made itself plain; the FBI must be completely dismantled starting at the top and working down to a level that is the least politicized, if such a level exists. When the agencies and people that we have to trust to protect us from threats foreign and domestic become the threat themselves, then we are at a crisis point in the life of this nation. I always knew that human nature being what it is, you are always going to have some level of biases, political and otherwise wherever you go. But I always thought that people who we trust to enforce our laws and with national security would keep those biases in check in the carrying out of their duties. As the eight year Obama reign of error has shown, and now out in the open for all to see who have their eyes open (the Media notwithstanding), we have an inordinately large number of people who do not respect the Constitution because they are part of the political movement in the country that wants to destroy it, so abrogating that oath is no more serious to them than stepping on an insect. In fact, between the media, academia and government itself, those who are the true believers in this movement and even worse, those who are in it just for the money, actually do consider We The People as vermin to be eradicated, politically and physically. In light of this, as I have stated many times and has now been amply demonstrated by the attitudes displayed by petty technocrats and bureaucrats like Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Sally Yates and all the the rest, heads have got to roll, figuratively if not literally.

America is under threat as never before because her enemies are the very people and organizations that were supposed to protect her.

The Sheep dog has morphed into an EVIL fox.

It’s going to be a wild ride!




I miss Calvin and hobbes

For most Republicans and conservatives to be justly accused of hypocrisy is a stain on ones character.

For Democrats, Progressives, Socialist, Communist, it’s just one more tool to use.  













Today is Martin Luther King day!

Dr. Martin Luther King is an embarrassment to the radical left today.

Dr. Martin Luther King is an embarrassment to the race baiters.

 the last thing the left wants is racial harmony.

What Martin Luther King stood for is anathema to left today.

Because everything is racist now.

Martin Luther Kings dream will be sent to the dustbin of history.

Just remember “white people” ,everything and anything you do is “Racist“.

An addendum to yesterday’s post

From the Washington Times.

‘Gender  studies coordinator denounces ‘logic of meritocracy’, as fundamentally ‘racist’

Yes, just where are the “Pussy Hats” now.

Remember scenes like this during President Trumps inauguration.

Mother to daughter: Remember honey,  we’re fighting for our right to suck unwanted babies from our wombs. Consider yourself lucky.

This was of course a protest against the election of Donald Trump.

Back in January, thousands of women gathered in major cities to express their anger toward newly sworn-in President Donald Trump. Among their many complaints was that Trump had been accused of sexual impropriety, and that the nation had elected a man who once referred to “grabbing” women “by the pussy.”

Of  course this was before this ardent supporter of women’s rights, a huge monetary backer of Hillary Clinton and progressive causes made national headlines as a sexual predator that everyone in Hollywood apparently knew about for a very long time.

And from that the floodgates opened.

Now we have the current protests In Iran.

So where are the Pussy hats now?


Paul Joseph Watson can explain it much better then me. 



American feminist with their “pussy hats” march in complete safety with the total approval of western media.

Sorry Iranian women. Trump backs your protest. which means we can’t. So put that hajib back on and like it.

Some year end stories from the local partisan press

Dec.27th Marijuana voted top Vt. story

“A friend with weed is a friend indeed “

Dec. 28th Vt. opioid deaths up nearly 160 percent

Was the opioid crises this bad before Obamacare?

Dec. 28th Vt. health mandate considered

You will be one with the collective.

I think we should definitely look at it. Just the basics of insurance say that if only the people who are going to put in an insurance claim are the ones who buy insurance then insurance rates will have to go way up,” said Ayer. “So it makes sense that we need to look at who isn’t signing up and why.”

Al Gobeille is the secretary of the Agency of Human Services. He shares the concern of the legislative leaders and he plans to monitor this situation very closely this winter.

“ This is one of those conversations where again the devil lives in the details — exactly what would it be, how would it work, and what would be the scenario if we didn’t do it, meaning is there is a really good reason to do it?” said Gobeille. “ That would have to be measured and weighed.”

And if it turns out that a number of Vermonters do drop their coverage, Gobeille said the Scott administration will consider backing a state individual mandate.

Having health insurance is a good idea. So good that it must be made MANDETORY!

Dec. 28th   Vt. economic outlook bleak without changes

Vermont will soon mandate that life must be fair

“To get the trend lines moving in the right direction, we need to flip our thinking,” Cillo said. “We need to start with the premise that addressing the needs of workers and families is the way to a stronger economy, not than the other way around.” 

Cillo said the root cause of economic failure on state and individual levels was an economic model that was unfair, unjust and needs to be radically amended. 

“Income inequality dampens economic growth, reduces upward mobility and increases poverty,” Cillo said. “We can increase affordable child care, ensure a higher minimum wage, and reduce barriers to education and employment. Addressing the problems documented in this report will improve life for all Vermonters.” 

Our legislature should look to Venezuela for inspiration.

Vermont is screwed.

Comrades Bernie and de Blasio cruise the underground

Well, we still have a ways to go before we can catch up to California.