
We can’t say that we weren’t warned.

And he was absolutly right.


I had some business at the County Courthouse the other today.   I had to sign some papers.  I asked the clerk if they perfered my name written or printed.  The clerk, a lady in her sixties replied that it made no difference, but added that most young people that she has seen simply cannot write cursive anymore, they don’t teach it in schools today.  Another clerk concured…”They don’t even know how to write a check,  how are they supposed to function?”
I remember in the sixties the motto was “Question Authorty”.  Not any more.  If  you question “climate change” you’re a denier. If you question “illegal immigration” and are against “open borders” you’re a racist. If you’re pro-life you’re against  “womens health”, (the baby’s health is irrevalent). And they put it all under the umbrella of “HATE SPEECH”, And hate speech is anything that they don’t agree with. 
  Teachers today no longer teach critical thinking, they don’t teach civics, and American history is taught through the jaundiced and disgraceful  textbook of Howard Zinn’s “The Peoples History of the United States”. 
It’s not education it’s indoctranation. They promote Socialism, political correcness, gender madness and the climate change hoax and they’ve been doing it for nearly three generations.  And the dumb little sh*ts have no idea what their giving away, their freedom. 
Millianialls are the most ignorant generation America has ever produced. But they think that they’re the smartest. 

The country is in great peril!



  Abraham Lincoln

“From whence shall we expect the approach of danger? Shall some trans-Atlantic military giant step the earth and crush us at a blow? Never. All the armies of Europe and Asia…could not by force take a drink from the Ohio River or make a track on the Blue Ridge in the trial of a thousand years. No, if destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of free men we will live forever or die by suicide.”

“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution”


Black Pigeon Speaks

Something we’ve all seen and known for a long time.

Well at least some of us.

What three generations of brainwashing can do.

And now our own Bernie Sanders. Who thought the Soviet Union was the perfect place for a honeymoon with his wife.

A.  Abolish Charter schools. Government alone will do the indoctrination.
B. Alowing felons to vote. The Socially Friendly.
C. Medicare for all. Rationing and death panels.
D. Free College tution.Will the political commisars  Professors also teach for free?
E. Abortion on demand up until birth.
F. Slashing military spending. Russia and China in full agreement.
G. Climate change? Need you ask? Only 12 years to save the planet.
The Progressives a.k.a. Socialist a.k.a. Communist play the long game.  I saw the beginings myself back in high school in the late sixties. They now control acadamia, the media, and the culture. Cloward-Piven and Saul Alinsky would be very proud of themselves.
Bernie and his Useful Idiots.  The poor bastards don’t have a clue what would be coming their way if Bernie or anyone of the Democrat contenders get the White House.

Paul Joseph Watson in Digital Gulag

Remember the Berkley Free Speech Movement way back when?

With the participation of thousands of students, the Free Speech Movement was the first mass act of civil disobedience on an American college campus in the 1960s.[4] Students insisted that the university administration lift the ban of on-campus political activities and acknowledge the students’ right to free speech and academic freedom. The Free Speech Movement was influenced by the New Left,[5] and was also related to the Civil Rights Movement and the Anti-Vietnam War Movement.[6] To this day, the Movement’s legacy continues to shape American political dialogue both on college campuses and in broader society, impacting on the political views and values of college students and the general public.

The last thing you’ll find on American college campuses in the 21st century is “free speech”.   They are simply indoctranation centers for cultural Marxism.

And woe to you if you trigger a snowflake.

Didn’t that Nazi’s start this way?


From The Political Hat.

A proposed bill to kill the mentally ill.  In deep blue Connecticut.

 Under the guise of “aid in dying”, Connecticut is considering a bill (HB 5898) that would provide legal cover to doctors who proscribe death to treat illness, provided they dot every “i” and cross every “t”. Worse yet, there is no requirement for a mental health evaluation to be done before the patient takes the death drugs, only that any such evaluation is made when they are requested, and even then a patient could be “steered” by a doctor, hospital, &c..

Abortion after birth…kill the mentally ill.

That’s [Progress]ivism .