Has the world gone Mad?
Why yes…yes it has.
Why yes…yes it has.
Lets hear it for open bordors and globalization
This is how they teach Finnish women how to protect themselves from raped by their new immigrants.
Where are the men of Finland? The men whose Great Grandfathers Kicked the Red Army ass in the Winter War.
The people of Norway, Sweden, and Finland had it so good they were embarrassed. So they decided to flush their culture down the toilet of political correctness. And they’ve most likely destroyed forever.
They say Vermont has a demographics crisis.
Why is that?
Barack Hussein Obama isn’t President anymore.
We live in interesting and scary times. Have a happy new year everyone.
Be Careful what you wish for. You may get it.
Are just as deranged as ours.
Like Donald Trump in America, can Boris Johnson pull Britian back from the abyss.
Only time will tell.
and Political Correctness.