Liberal hypocracy

Neil Young joins B.S.

Jimmy Dore has billed himself as a “progressive” and a Bernie Bro but even though he’s left of center in his politics he doesn’t seem to be able to engage in doublespeak.


He calls a spade a spade.


I’ve was always liked a lot of Neil Young’s music even though I haven’t really listened to any of it for over twenty years. I noticed that SiriusXM came to Neil’s rescue and put his channel back on their program roster. But I just can’t listen to his music anymore. Like Bruce Springsteen he’s a total hypocrite and makes me sick to my stomach.



Let’s Hear What “Wayne” Has To Say

From Vt. Digger



A Liberal Vermonter living in California has his panties in a twist.

The nasty move by Vermont Republicans

Jan 2, 2022, 8:22 AM

An open letter to Paul Dame: I am currently a Californian but not by choice, having moved here from Bristol, Vt., five years ago for family reasons.

I just learned that you, as Vermont’s new GOP chair, used a so-called euphemism of the slur “F*** Joe Biden” to lead a rally in a Brandon event in November. That is despicable and no doubt a new low for the Vermont GOP. 

Yes, free speech is a time-honored all-American expression but is seriously tainted under the guise of hate. Whether you realize it or not, you are walking lockstep with former president Trump in the perpetration of division and hate in America. Shame on you.

In your party’s desperation in the state, it is unfortunately no longer enough to be in strong opposition to Democrats, which for the most part is a respectable element of our two-party system. Copying a trendy new hateful tactic that can work in some parts of the country will only hurt you in Vermont.

I can’t wait to move back to the best state I have ever lived in to support all the good Vermonters against what the state GOP has become. But it won’t be hateful, unlike the tactics you play. Be careful, because the next thing you know, these types of tactics could spur a mini-Jan. 6 at the wonderful Statehouse in Montpelier. Don’t think it can’t happen. 

Maybe you ought to think about taking your gutter politics across the Connecticut River because they are very un-Vermont-like, even for the GOP.  

Wayne Michaud

Citrus Heights, California

I looked up Citrus Heights California. It’s a very nice place. According to its demographics, it’s somewhat similar to Vermont. What’s different is that it’s slightly majority Republican. Might be a reason he longs to come back to the Democrat Peoples Republic of Vermont.

Is this person such a partisan liberal that he’s been oblivious to what’s been going on in Democrat-controlled cities around the country over the past two years? Hasn’t he noticed that Joe Biden’s presidency has been a disaster? Does it bother him that Democrat economic, soft on crime, and immigration policies are tearing the nation to shreds? 


I guess he believes that the Vermont Republican Party being as powerless as it is, should just keep its mouth shut. Sort of like the Republican Party in California. And the vitriol that President Trump received during his entire term was fully justified?


Fact: Vermont is 95% ‘white’. It is perhaps the most rural (and safest) state in America. Our idea of gun control is a good aim and a steady hand. This makes Vermont, in my opinion, the largest gated community a.k.a. “a safe space” in the entire country for flaming virtue-signaling liberals.


Let’s go, Brandon!!!




A Safe Space for flamin Libs!

My comments:

10: Yes it is.

 9: Autumn is nice, it’s what comes after. 

 8: An armed society is a polite society. But isn’t San Francisco Progressive too.

 7: Education?! With a BLM flag flying at every high school, critical race theory is being taught instead of critical thinking. The sky is falling climate hysteria that scares the crap out of young skulls full of mush. Don’t worry new resident, your kid will have the best education indoctrination your taxes can buy.

6: Escaping your ‘progressive’ dystopian one-party deep blue shithole cities, that you voted for. 

5: Start a business, just don’t get too big unless…you use the success and wealth that you earned through capitalism to push a Marxist agenda. Looking at you B&J.

4: That’s because Liberal Progressive Vermonters have never experienced real Progressivism/Socialism. Vermont is a safe space for virtue-signaling libs. For now. That’s why we elect a RINO governor to pull back the reins and apply a little brake. Oh, and don’t think that Progressive Vermonters are irreligious, They have religion, It’s their political ideology, and woe to thee if you don’t believe. 

3. Our Gun laws pre-date the Progressive takeover. Vermont is very rural, when seconds count law enforcement can be 45 minutes away. And maybe that has something to do with our low crime rate. Criminal scum might think twice if they think their victims are armed.

2. Ah, the economy, high fuel prices, high taxes. This will be exacerbated in the future by the forced conversion to green energy…to save the planet. and let’s not forget inflation. The printing presses have been running day and night.

1.  It’s affordable to people who are used to making 200-300K a year. I will say that because of the real estate demand, the value of my home increased enough to where I had enough equity to re-finance my mortgage to give my home a much-needed facelift.


Vermont is a Progressive Playground that is slowly circling the drain. It hasn’t got to the point yet of deep blue shithole cities. But give it time.  Hopefully, when it gets to that point it won’t be any problem for me.  Because I will have exited the planet. My progeny and yours will be the ones to deal with it. 


“Well Mr. Franklin, what kind of country do we have?” ” A Republic…if you can keep it.”

“Don’t it always seem to go…that you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone”

Freedom lost may never be recovered.






Proverbs for 2021

A wise man’s heart inclines him to the right, but a fool’s heart to the left.
–(Ecc 10:2)

There are three things that progressives crave, yea, four things that they diligently seek: status, power, adulation, and other people’s money.

If the government is allowed to ignore the law in an emergency, then the government will create emergencies in order to ignore the law.

Who has real power? Whoever is not permitted to be laughed at.

When Republicans screw up, that’s the story. When the Democrats screw up, the Republicans’ reaction is the story. (h/t Jim Treacher)

Hate has no home here, but vengeance has a master suite, resentment is in the guest room, and entitlement sleeps every night on the couch. (h/t Berserker-Dragonheads Division)

Conservatives bring knives to the gunfight, but progressives bring guns to the knife fight.

Journalists give awards to one another for the fake news they publish and FBI agenta pat themselves on the back for stopping conspiracies they themselves incite.

Marxists hate capitalism, but they really love money. (h/t kbdabear)

Women tend to be liberals because they need the government to replace all the males they’ve pushed out of their lives.

Hating women is misogyny. Hating men is feminism.

There are no independent fact checkers. If there were, the media would ignore them and big tech would censor them. (h/t Pat Condell)

Never take history lessons from people who think the world started the day they were born. (h/t G’rump928(c))

We can be reassured that the GOP has our back — mostly with a knife in it.(h/t J.J. Sefton)

Like a den of lying weasels or a clown car crammed with traitors, so is the weekly Bulwark staff meeting.

Things are not getting worse, they are getting uncovered.

Remember when the Left was Anti-war.

During the Vietnam war.

Start the revolution without me - Hoffman Files
The Summer of Love: fact or fiction? | The Independent

During the war with war with Iraq.

Report of Sept 28th 2002 Anti war demonstration in Dublin ...

And what has America’s Hitler” Donald Trump done in his four years of office?

Made Amerca energy independent. No more ‘Blood for oil’.

A roaring economy during Trumps first three years.

United States GDP | 2019 | Data | Chart | Calendar ...
United States GDP | 2019

Lowest unemployment rates for all races and genders

Helped in the crushing of ISIS.

Puting an end to “endless wars” and bring our troops home.

Cause peace to break out in the Middle East.

Well obviously this sh*t cannot be allowed to continue.

Paul Joseph Watson lays out what’s coming.

All hail the American military industrial complex and the Deep State.

An Essay from Oregon Muse.

A blogger at Ace of Spades Hq.

It’s Not just America that’s at stake.

Should the senile half-wit Democrat become president, his incoming administration will be filled with people who hate us. I think all of the government bureaucracies, meaning the FBI, the DOJ, the IRS, etc., will be weaponized against us to such an extent that it will make Obama look like a rank amateur. You think the Tea Party groups had problems getting their 501(c)(3) status back then? Well, it’s going to get dialed up to 11 now.

Should Trump fall, his fall with affect many people not only in this country, but elsewhere as well.

The reality of this hit me when I read this comment posted in Monday’s rant:

449…There are people all over the world praying for President Trump’s triumph because they know that if he succeeds, America succeeds and so does their nation or their fight for freedom. Christians in Nigeria pray for our President because he’s the only world leader who stood up for them. There were lots of foreign press at the Million MAGA March on Saturday in DC. It was always the same: one guy with a phone and a mic and one other guy with a camera recording, but these duos were everywhere and from just about every country. They may not be the major networks, because the major networks are in on the scam, but these journalists were there to get the real news out to their audience. There were many groups from China showing their support for Trump. They know he’s their only hope in defeating the CCP.

As important for us as it is to win now, and winning is our only option, it is just as important to the free world, and around the world, those who value freedom are watching and know the score and support our President Trump.

Posted by: RondinellaMamma at November 16, 2020 12:17 PM (8/7u2)

Progressives constantly bray about how big supporters they are of the poor and marginalized, but you never hear them say one word on behalf of Nigerian Christians who are being terrorized, driven from their homes, and even murdered for their faith. Or any Christians, really. Nor, for that matter, have I ever heard them complain about the hundreds of thousands of Uighur muslims that have been forced into concentration camps by the CCP. Indeed, progressives (and Joe Biden) look like they’re BFFs with the CCP. The entire Biden family will grow fat with Chinese cash should Sleepy Joe get elected.

And I can’t imagine being a small business owner and seeing the BLM/Antifa scum that have burned down their livelihoods welcomed and embraced by the White House. It was bad enough when the mayors of Seattle and Portland ran interference for them, but this would be a whole new level of corruption.

This is why I am praying fervently that the fraudulent election will not stand. Our MSM gleefully reports European polls that indicate that snooty Eurotrash look at Trump with the same disdain and contempt as our snooty elites do, big surprise there, but I have seen photos of of huge pro-Trump rallies in Britain and India that indicate that those polls aren’t the whole story.

Someone is going to have to counter the CCP, and it won’t be Biden, because he’ll be in bed with them. The Democrat Party has become the party of the super-rich, and that’s who will benefit most under a Biden administration.

#KatieHopkins‘ message to American conservatives: The rest of the world is looking to you to stand up and fight for all that is right!— PragerU (@prageru) November 18, 2020

If a Tree Falls in the Forest…

and no one is around to hear it…does it make a sound?

I say NO! It dosen’t!

Because if the “enemy of the people” doesn’t report it, then it must not have happened.

If the Marxist Left is successful in pulling this election theft off, America is headed for some dark times. Because 95% of the media will be the propagander arm of the fascist democrat party.

election 20201111 05.jpg

Now doesn’t this all sound very familiar.

“The press should be not only a collective propagandist and a collective agitator, but also a collective organizer of the masses.” V. Lenin

“We can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion, and scorn toward those who disagree with us.” V. Lenin

‘The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.” V. Lenin

Truth is the most precious thing. That’s why we should ration it.” V. Lenin

“Why should freedom of speech and freedom of press be allowed? Why should a government which is doing what it believes to be right allow itself to be criticized? It would not allow opposition by lethal weapons. Ideas are much more fatal things than guns. Why should any man be allowed to buy a printing press and disseminate pernicious opinions calculated to embarrass the government?” V.Lenin

There are no morals in politics; there is only expedience. A scoundrel may be of use to us just because he is a scoundrel.” V. Lenin

“It is, of course, much easier to shout, abuse, and howl than to attempt to relate, to explain.” V.Lenin

“Give us the child for eight years and it will be a Bolshevik forever.” V. Lenin

Eight years? The State run schools have them for 12. Lets not forget Kindergaten and college. And this education indoctrination has been going on for at least the past fifty years.