
Hawaii got what it voted for..Part 1

Via ace of spades hq


The traditional trade-off for robust job protections and generous pension packages for government workers has been the gap between private-sector salaries and public-sector salaries.
That has disappeared, as government salaries have increased to ridiculous levels…cops making $400k/year, lifeguards on Los Angeles beaches making $500k, teachers with Ed. Ds (a doctorate for making dioramas?) making $250k, and bureaucrats in bloated state governments, doing work that just a generation ago was done by clerks, making similar salaries.
But…or so the argument goes…we need to pay these people well otherwise we would lose their skills to the private sector! You know, like the functionary in Hawaii whose chaotic personal politics may have been responsible for the deaths of many people.


What we have in Hawaii is the perfect storm of generations of Democrat hiring practices, which are nothing more than political payoffs, coupled with the stark and obvious inability of these politicized civil servants to…you know…DO THEIR JOBS! They are far more interested in pushing the latest Woke nonsense, and of course, protecting the precious environment that they themselves devastated with their awful and short-sighted policies controlling fire mitigation and water use.
And then they lie about it! Here is the Maui Times editor on the media blackout concerning the Maui “wildfires and the government’s total clampdown on information.
Hell, the last time I checked there were a few military bases in the Hawaiian Islands, and my guess is that the United States Marine Corps could help out a little bit…if they were asked by the governor. But he hasn’t. All he has done is asked the Coast Guard to monitor environmental impacts because that is obviously more important than the lives of the Hawaiian people.


What is that…a little political theater? Although it is up to the governor to ask for federal help, so the responsibility is the state’s.
There are 850 people still missing, and while some of those people are undoubtedly safe, the death toll will climb…probably by a lot. And it is the fault of the state and local civil servants who simply did not do their jobs.
The utter and complete failure of government is on full display, and it is a culmination of years of effort on the part of the progressive movement in America. They have converted the civil service into a money-making, hyper-politicized arm of the Democrat party. Get a cushy gig, contribute to the party, then hire more like-minded people to keep the horrid cycle going.
The function of government is no longer to support society in times of need…it is to fund the progressive rot.
I guess that is one thing they do quite well.

Styx Sticks it.

For Leftists, Wokeness is their religion. and there’s no place for God.

1. “Science is real”…except when it’s racist like math. Or a social construct like gender.
2. “Black Lives Matter”, except when Blacks are killed by other Blacks.
3. “Love is Love”…??? 
4. “No human is illegal”…But what about their actions? Are they ever illegal?
5. “Climate change is real”…and we’re already pastSuburban the point of no return, so we’re screwed
6. “Women’s rights are human rights”…and that includes women with penises.

7. “Kindness is everything”…but really, to everyone?


And this is what you vote for, someday soon you’re going to have to take the consequences. And you better take it with a smile.

Duck and cover redux

If you’re a baby boomer born after WW2 then you would probably remember this…



Those old enough to remember the sixties will recall the anti-war movement

that engulfed the country.


And who can forget the eighties…when leftists at home and in Europe seem to fear President Reagan more than the evil empire. There was the nuclear freeze movement.


In Vermont, there were peace marches,


During the weekend of August 6, 1981, Patty Heather-Lea walked one leg of a peace march from Washington to Moscow. That’s Washington, Vt., to Moscow, Vt.
“I had just gotten married,” recalls Heather-Lea, who’s now 60 and a high school math teacher in Bristol. She remembers “wanting to do something, wanting somebody to wake up to what was going on in the world.” So she marched to Montpelier with a sign that read “Let’s Have a World for Our Grandchildren.”


As of March 2022, the  72-year-old Ms. Heather-Lea has never strayed from her “progressive” roots. I doubt she voiced much condemnation of the burning of American cities in 2020. I imagine she rejoiced when the Orange man when down to defeat. Now the planet would be saved, cancer would be cured, equality of outcomes achieved, the white male patriarchy suppressed.


I can only speculate what her thoughts are now. An open border, out-of-control crime, currency inflation, the rise of authoritarianism (it’s ok as long as it’s my side in charge and it’s only white male deplorable’s getting their heads cracked and thrown in jail), and closer to WW3 as at any time since the Cuban missile crisis in 1962. If the unthinkable should happen climate change will be the least of our worries. All this while living in the largest white liberal gated community in the nation. Yes, I’m referring to Vermont.


Phil Scott told reporters, “I put country over party. It’s been a bit of a struggle for me, but I ended up voting for Joe Biden.”

Sleep well, Joe, Kamala, and our “woke military” are on guard.

Always remember: Dissent is patriotic when Republicans are in charge.

Dissent is treason when Democrats are in charge.





Has Canada past the point of no return?

Maybe…maybe not.

And what are the opinions of Americans of various political persuasions?


Scratch a Democrat and you’ll find a totalitarian screaming to get out.


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s descent into dictatorship to rein in the Freedom Convoy protest has support from a majority of likely Democratic voters in America…


When broken down by party affiliation, 65 percent of Democrats backed Trudeau’s heavy-handed response compared to 17 percent who disapproved, while 87 percent of likely Republican voters opposed the prime minister’s crackdown and 8 percent approved.


Too many Democrats not just the billionaire/millionaires consider themselves a cut above the hoi polloi.

They consider themselves the elite.


Many years ago The Democrat party billed itself as the party of the working man and woman.


Not anymore.


And most of the media on both sides of the border agree.


“It is true that liberty is precious; so precious that it must be carefully rationed”  Lenin






Religion and politics…A Rant


Imagine two Mayan priests of long ago, standing on top of a pyramid discussing the scene that was taking place before them. It was nothing new or out of the ordinary, dozens if not hundreds of captives were being led to an altar to have their beating hearts cut from their bodies.

This practice of a sacrifice of blood to the gods was meant to ensure the rains would come and that Kinich Ahau would rise in the sky every morning.

So one priest says to the other: “have you ever wondered if one day we didn’t sacrifice anyone to Kinich Ahau, do you think that he would still rise in the sky as always?” The other priest looks him in the eye and says: “do you really want to take that chance?”  “No!” “I guess not”.  NEXT!


For decades the Democrat party billed itself as the party of the blue-collar union member working man. The Republican party was painted as the party of the rich corporate executive or a business owner whose purpose was to squeeze as much labor from his workers for the least possible cost to gain maximum profit for already rich shareholders.


But the reality is it’s the leftist Democrats who are the party of the 1%!  What better way to protect yourself from the torches and pitchforks of great unwashed than to take control of the political party that had always claimed to be on the side of the workingman and the downtrodden.  


In matters of race relations, the Democrat party plantation has kept African-Americans dependent on government and destroyed the black family ever since the sixties and LBJ’s Great Society.

And let’s not forget Democrats believe that Black people are too stupid incapable of obtaining an I.D. to vote.

But of course, it’s the “republicans who are racist”. 


Are liberal democrats who live in the nation’s largest gated community are having second thoughts?


A recent poll in deep-blue Vermont was taken by Vermont propaganda radio. 


The poll showed that only 45 percent of the respondents approved of the president’s job performance, showing Biden just slightly above water in the survey. This is compared to the 43 percent that disapproved of Biden’s job performance. Eleven percent said they were unsure or had no opinion, while one percent refused to answer.


If Joe Biden is almost underwater in deep-blue virtue-signaling Vermont then his lousy job performance is becoming so blatant that even the ‘goodthinkers’ of the Vermont Democrat party have started to notice.


” When people stop believing in God they don’t believe in nothing; they believe in anything” G.K. Chesterton


Vermont is the most secular state in the country, and one of the most leftist liberal. The two go together. But Leftists are not without religion, Marxism is their opiate. 


America is collapsing, yet here in our little corner of the country we’ve kind of been immune to the worst aspects of Democrat liberal rule. We still have a relatively low crime rate. Most people live in small towns. Many live in quiet rural areas on backcountry dirt roads, where more than a few homes wave the Stars and Stripes. I know; I’ve seen them. But ever since mid-sixties Vermont went from being a Republican “red” state to the deep blue one today. And since the sixties when liberals took control of the education system and the media, dumbed down the youth of the last three generations and poisoned them with cultural Marxism and critical race theory which has become the pseudo-religion of far too many people who vote for this crap, or they simply hated Donald trump because that’s what they were told to do. But…


Perhaps this crisis that grips the nation today may in the long run turn out for the best. The moment Trump was elected President the leftist elites in media and academia made it their mission to bring him down all of Trump’s accomplishments on the economy and foreign policy be damned. Now that Trump is gone (for now) many liberal democrats now have a bad case of buyers remorse.


Like this fellow…


Joe Biden has screwed America

A couple of video’s from Salty Cracker

In 1933 the German people freely elected Adolph Hitler and his Nazi party into power because the German nation was on its knees, the economy sucked, and millions were unemployed. Hitler had promised every able German citizen a job and that he was going to make “Germany” great again. (M.G.G.A.)

Now we all know how that turned out.

In America we had a situation where the (pre lockdown) economy was booming; unemployment was at record lows; the wall was being built, trade deals were being rewritten to be more favorable to the U.S. our embassy was moved to Jerusalem. And lets not forget Prision reform.

President Trump above all loved America; for this the Demo{c}rats started their campaign to bring him down from the moment he took the oath of office starting with the Russian collusion hoax.

Democrats, the Left, the swamp, the media, and academia, all hated Trump and everyone who had voted for him. And of course he was always being compared to Hitler because he wanted to make “America” great again. (M.A.G.A)

So 81 million people are said to have voted for this old demented corrupt pathalogical liar . I will always believe that”It was a coup”. They didn’t vote so much “for” Biden” as “against” Trump. Their hatred for Trump overruled any common sense they might have possesed. It may give some comfort for Trump supporters to see that millions of Biden voters may now have some buyers remorse.

Afghanistan is an ongoing disaster. The economy is on a razors edge. The Constitution seems at times be be only an afterthought. The border is out of control. People are losing their jobs over their poltilcal leanings. America is a different country then it was in my youth. Will it be able to pull back from the brink or go over the cliff. It’s likely I won’t be around to see which way the country goes.

But what’s happening now a least gives one some hope.

Little things I gleaned…

from talking with my dental hygienist.

For about the last twenty years I’ve had the same hygienist. Even though I only see her twice a year she always made removing the plaque from my teeth a pleasent experence. We would always talk about the things going on in our lives. My most recent appointment was about a week ago.

Of course our coversation drifted into current events and…politics. I brought up a few of the current current events that have happened under our present brain damaged occupier of the White House.

In a nutshell, She voted for the potted plant because she didn;t like Trump. I brought up a few of the good things Trump had done. Things like a roaring economy; low unemployment, renegotiating trade deals more favorable for America, prison reform to name but a few. She did concede that those were good things…but she just didn’t like him; his personality, his seeming arrogance, his mean tweets. Her gold standard for a President was…Barack Obama, because he was so suave and spoke so eloquently.

And so for you and millions of others it was anyone but Trump !

I hope your satisfied.

For four years, we had a president who, over the course of a single term, managed to undo a great deal of the mischief wrought, and a great many of the mistakes made, by his recent predecessors. Trump revived America’s economy, shored up Americans’ individual liberties, forged several remarkable peace agreements, and greatly strengthened our international position—thus firmly checking the ambitions of our powerful adversaries. 

But, Biden voters, he had a personality that rubbed you the wrong way. He wrote nasty tweets. In the language of TV production, he was too “hot.” You wanted “cool.”The Democrats put up a candidate who was plainly in mental decline. It was obvious every time he spoke. But you didn’t pay terribly close attention to his speeches. The sources from which you get your “news” carefully clipped out all of the bits of his appearances in which his befuddlement was manifest. If you heard someone speak out about his senility, you dismissed the charges out of hand

One hundred years later nothing much has changed.

The Nasties Democrat?

Why yes, yes he is.

The old fossil has been chosen by the Communist Progressives Socialist Democrats to preside over Donald Trumps upcoming impeachment show trial.

Andrey Vyshinsky was unavailable being you know…dead.

I’m sure that Progressive Vermont is bursting with Pride.

This is the kind of trial that Progressive yearn for.

Leahy's Fantasy
“Do you plead guilty of the charge of ever considering that Donald Trump wasn’t a reprobate and that the election was stolen?” ‘Yes”. Do you wish to repent? “Yes”.

The list Republican Senators who would throw President Donald Trump under the bus.

Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.)

Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.)

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine)

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska)

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah)

Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.)

Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio)

Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska)

Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.)

Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.)

Sen. Mike Crapo (R-Idaho)

Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.)

Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.)

Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.)

Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.)

The sad part is the Republican party allowed all this to happen.

I’ll never give then another dime.