The Progressive “Green” movement…

..has nothing to do with “greening” a.k.a. “saving” the planet.


In 1917 in Russia, the Bolsheviks seized power in the name of the working class.

They then proceeded to imprison or kill anyone who opposed them.


In 1933 in Germany, the National Socialists were voted into power to save the Fatherland and the German Volk.

They then proceeded to imprison or kill anyone who opposed them.


In 2022 leftist politicians in North America, and Europe are attempting to usher in a new world order or ‘the great reset” via “the word economic forum”.  A group of billionaires and mega-corporations who believe they know how to save/run the planet 

 Indoctrinated young people immersed in Marxism/socialism in college who are bent on “saving the planet” at the expense of people; are their foot solders and useful idiots.


Will they proceed to imprison kill people who oppose them?


To accomplish this they will destroy western civilization, and you peasant, will be forced to bow down before your betters.


I’m glad I’m old.