The Democrat Socialist Peoples Republic of Vermont Dept. of Education has for many years dumbing down and indoctrinating the youth of Vermont, from kindergarden thru 12th grade. So much that excercises like this are now common place at all Vermont’s public schools.
But can they compete with the madness across the pond. I suppose they can if they really want too.
This is my most concise expose of climate fraud. Please pass it around to everyone you know and your elected officials. The video is short, but cuts right to the heart of the matter
It is the latest stunt orchestrated by the international climate cabal and yet another example of how the Left shamelessly exploits and manipulates children to propagandize any cause. (Think of the high school students in Parkland, Florida.) But this time, the climate cabal is using a special-needs teenager from Sweden to indoctrinate more children and adults with climate change dogma.
Greta Thunberg is a 16-year-old from Stockholm—which is ironic because the teen exhibits many traits associated with a hostage attempting to please her captors…
“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted” V. Lenin
Twenty years from now she’ll be either be a totally embarassed bitch who realized that she threw away her future or…she might be a high ranking political commissar sittng on a tribunal that will sentance you to a long strech in a re-education/work camp for crimes against Gaia and firearm possesion.
1980: “Acid Rain Kills Life in Lakes”: “But 10 years later, the US government program formed to study acid rain concluded: ‘Acid Rain no environmental crisis, study concludes'” (AP)
1988: James Hansen forecasts increased regional droughts in 1990s. “But the last really dry year in the Midwest was 1988, and recent years have been record wet”
1988: “Maldives completely underwater in 30 years.” Daily Caller last year: “30 Years Ago Officials Predicted The Maldives Would Be Swallowed By The Sea. It Didn’t Happen”
1989: “New York City’s West Side Highway underwater by 2019”
And my favorite from 2000: “Children won’t know what snow is.” “Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past.”
I wonder what the weather/climate will be like in 2031. Of course I may or may not be here to find out. Hopefully freedom and our Constitution will still exist. And the bastards who claim to want to Save the Planet will have been politically destroyed.
They will destroy us more the just politically if they are able to seize total power.
If by some satanic magic either Bernie (Bronstein)Sanders or Fauxcahontis Warren is elected President in 2020 and the Democrats/Progressives/Socialist/Communist keep the House and capture the Senate then America as founded will have finally been irrovocably destroyed.
“We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.” B.H.O.
During his administration he waponized government bureaucracies including the I.R.S. the E.P.A. and the F.B.I. to harass and intimidate his political opponants.
But he never quite got around to truly forming an organizating on the par of this.
Now in order to save the planet in 12 years it will be necessary for the government to weld an “Iron Fist” and it likely won’t be in a “velvet glove”.
There will mandatory gun buybacks confiscation. The Constitution be damned.
High schoolers shut down a key Montpelier intersection for almost an hour Friday, demanding an education that will prepare them for a “collapsing climate and economy.”
“The purpose of schools is to teach the skills and knowledge that students will need in their life,” said 15-year-old Iris Hsiang, a high schooler in Essex. “But now, those things are fundamentally changing.”
The students came from across the country to learn about activism at Uprise Youth Action Camp, a Northeast Kingdom summer program focused on climate justice.
The week-long camp culminated with the protest, where campers called for an education that would prepare them for “climate chaos.” They argued that there were two big things missing from schools’ curriculums — alternative economics and climate resilience — things they say students will need more and more as the climate continues to change.
“We’re growing up in a different world than that of our parents,” Hsiang said. “They didn’t have to deal with the rising sea levels, the exacerbated natural disasters, and the other curses of climate change. But we do. We need education that will reflect the world that we’re being raised into…
“We want to live past 12 years,” said 16-year-old Bella Oliver. “We want to be able to start families andnot worry about what to eat next because agriculture is starting to fail. We just want the education system to teach us about the problem of climate change and about the solutions.
They did manage to piss off quite a few drivers, (“the cars will be angry”) who undoubtebly had places to be but distruption was the name of the game.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s chief of staff recently admitted that the Green New Deal was not conceived as an effort to deal with climate change, but instead a “how-do-you-change-the-entire economy thing” — a remark likely to fuel Republican claims that the deal is nothing more than a thinly veiled socialist takeover of the U.S. economy.
“The interesting thing about the Green New Deal is it wasn’t originally a climate thing at all,” Saikat Chakrabarti said in May, according to The Washington Post.
Along with “Healthcare being a human right” so it must be free, plus “open borders” and a $15/hr. minimum wage and have the recipe to turn America into the next Venezuela.
Much of the youth of America and especially in the Democrat Peoples Republic of Vermont have been throughly brainwashed by the education indoctrination they’ve been recieving since kindergarden.
Our young people have been so corrupted and frightened by adults with an agenda (seizing power, not saving the planet) that they seem ready and will to forfeit their rights and freedoms in addition and the rights and freedoms of everyone else.
That the majority of voters seem to be ‘ok’ with this since they’ve given the democrats a ‘super majority’ in the legislate is disconcerting, but I believe it’s because they have yet to experience the “full measure” of what “will be required” of them in order to “save the planet”.
And how soon will these “kids” determine that “the ends will justify any means” (violence? it’s already happening, the El Paso shooter is a radical enviromentalist) .
We live in troubled times. This has not happened overnight. The radical left plays the long game. The 21st Century may turn out no less bloody then the 20th. I certainly don’t expect to see any end in my lifetime.
Do you remember the good old days when we had “12 years to save the planet”?Now it seems, there’s a growing consensus that the next 18 months will be critical in dealing with the global heating crisis, among other environmental challenges…
Anyone who doubts that the green movement is morphing into a millenarian cult should take a close look at Greta Thunberg. This poor young woman increasingly looks and sounds like a cult member. The monotone voice. The look of apocalyptic dread in her eyes. The explicit talk of the coming great ‘fire’ that will punish us for our eco-sins. There is something chilling and positively pre-modern about Ms Thunberg. One can imagine her in a sparse wooden church in the Plymouth Colony in the 1600s warning parishioners of the hellfire that will rain upon them if they fail to give up their witches.
These people (climate fanatics) are potentially(!) very dangerous to our civilization and freedom as their only hope of saving the Planet is the complete destruction of free market capitalism replaced by authoritarian Marxist top down rule.
“If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever”
Apparently for Ms.Thunberg, her country of Sweden, presently being the rape capital of the west is of no consequence compared to the climate holocaust she and her followers believe is taking place.
But as everyone knows, a population cowed by political correctness, Muslim thugs, their own media, their courts and their government is an easily controled population.
Which is exactly what the American political party that goes by the name Democrats want to impliment in this country.
None of their prophecies have come true. Yet the “True Believers” are not detered.
Even in the face of scientific observation.
Global Warming, a.k.a. Climate Change is just another variation of Lysenkoism, and like in any religion it has become Dogma. Science has been corrupted to facilitate the advancment of a Marxest political ideology. The end goal being totalitarian control by modern ruling class.
The Science is settled. The high priests have said so.
And to show skepticism is to be branded a “DENIER” .
And just like the inquisition of long ago, the unbelievers, deniers of the gospel of Climate Change should face prosecution.
The decade of the twenties will determine the direction of America. Will it be freedom or something else?