Via Ace of Spades HQ
The Morning Rant: Minimalist Edition

We are the enemies of the state. It is difficult to find any other interpretation for the fact-free claims that “White Supremacy” is the biggest threat against America, yet the progressive movement has made it an article of faith among its acolytes. And that is powerful evidence that their politics has transcended temporal things and is now a religion.
The evidence that Islam and China are far more significant threats against America is everywhere. The various terrorist groups masquerading as Islamic Freedom fighters are quite open with their ultimate goal, and that is the destruction of Israel, America, and the West, and replacing their governments with Sharia-compliant, authoritarian governments. China has infiltrated our government, has spent billions of dollars on manipulation of our culture, and its military is actively attacking our technological infrastructure with hackers and hardware-driven espionage.
But a few lunatics in the mountains of Idaho espousing white nationalism are the problem?
Biden FBI Called White Supremacy ‘Most Persistent, Lethal Threat’ Before Islamist Terrorism Attack
The FBI says Shamsud-Din Jabbar, 42, a U.S. citizen from Texas, is responsible for the deadly New Year’s Day terror attack in New Orleans and that he likely did not act alone. Law enforcement is still looking for others who may be involved.
Jabbar was not the threat on President Joe Biden’s radar. Jabbar did not fit the profile of the terrorists Biden, his crooked Department of Justice (DOJ), and feckless Department of Homeland Security (DHS) have been searching for.
While the DHS left U.S. borders wide open for any criminal or harmful ideology to enter, the DOJ made “domestic violent extremism” a “national priority area,” numerous reports show.
In June 2021, the National Security Council announced a plan to target domestic terrorists, mostly “those who promote the superiority of the white race” and “militia violent extremists.” The FBI called them “the most persistent and lethal threats.”
That is code for the kind of people who went to the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. [bolding mine]
Bingo. That is exactly it. Say what you will about the progressive hierarchy in Washington…they may be out of touch with the real America, but they aren’t stupid. They know exactly what they are doing, and creating a lasting illusion that traditional American virtues of self-reliance, individual responsibility, competence over color or religion, and the belief in limited government are hallmarks of a violent, subversive counter-culture in America is their goal.
That’s why the floodgates on our borders were opened…to drown traditional American culture in a sea of compliant, freedom-averse drones who will reliably support the deep state’s plans for the foreseeable future.
And if 10,000 PLA operatives slip across, and a few thousand Islamic suicide bombers get in? Well, eggs…omelets…etc.
The FBI and the Justice department simply don’t care that much about the possibility of massive terrorist attacks or comprehensive sabotage of our infrastructure. They are obsessed with the final destruction of American Exceptionalism, and by tagging all of us who believe in it as budding terrorists, they have the legal (by D.C. standards) authority to degrade it as a political lodestone and turn it into a sound-bite attached to every bit of violence perpetrated by pretty much anyone. And if they are wrong? Well, the first impression is usually the most lasting one.
Like the laughable lie about guns in the Capitol building on January 6th! Yes, there were guns, but they were all in the hands of the murdering Capitol Police and various undercover government cops. And all of those deaths? Yes…there were two, and they were unarmed protesters, killed by the jackbooted thugs of government.
“The Great Replacement Theory” is supposedly debunked, but the evidence is before us, and it is hard to argue against it. Open borders, favoring immigration from non-Western countries, demonizing traditional American culture — it’s all part of the process, and whether it is by design or an unintended consequence is immaterial.
The complete consolidation of power within the Democrat/Progressive movement is the goal, and they will use whatever tool is best. If that means the destruction of traditional American culture, then that is just fine.
Perhaps it is also time for traditional American culture to use the same tools…demonization of progressive political philosophy, making their shock troops (Antifa, BLM, etc) socially unacceptable, returning to the baseline of classic anti-communist assumptions, and renewed support for American Exceptionalism.
Sounds like a good start for President Trump!