The Morning Report — 1/9/25
—J.J. Sefton
Good morning kids. Whether it’s a burning cross on a lawn, or burning cities (either from BLM/Antifa molotov cocktails or the ideologically-driven incompetence that’s now burning LA to the ground) or immolating sleeping subway riders, the match that set them off were all struck by Democrat/Leftists.
DEMOCRATS — Now they have become DEATH, the destroyer of worlds. All of the misery, the suffering, needless death, destruction, dislocation and waste of blood, treasure, economic and most crucially human potential since the founding of this nation until the present moment is directly the fault of, or have been made exponentially worse by Leftists, Socialists, Progressives and their political epicenter in the Democrat party. An ocean of blood and tears over the past 200-plus years has been spilled and continues to flow because of them.
And it’s not because they are merely wrong and/or have good intentions. No, It is all for their evil eternal quest for absolute power. I defy anyone to try and refute that because it simply cannot be refuted.
And with that preamble, I give you the shambling, corrupt, amoral, soulless humanoid atrocity known as Bernie Sanders:
“80,000 people told to evac.uate. Blazes 0% contained. Eight months since the area has seen rain. The scale of damage and loss is unimaginable,” the senator began before blaming the devastation not on poor fire management but on climate change. . . Sanders made no mention of the fact that Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass (D) — who was not in LA but on a trip to Ghana when the blaze took off — cut roughly $20 million from the city’s budget for fire services. Perhaps what is more, she proposed even higher cuts.
In a way, this self-gassing, criminal commie scumbag is sort of correct. For sure the climate in California has indeed changed. In a mere two generations, he and his ilk have lain waste to what used to be the world’s 6th largest economy, and made what was a shining paradise and beacon of freedom, free enterprise, promise and unlimited potential into a literal flaming communist hell on earth. One merely has to look at Cuba or Zimbabwe to see where this nation was headed, and may yet head if Donald Trump’s miraculous RE-re-election is merely a speed bump on the road to hell and not the slamming on of the brakes and the throwing of the machine into reverse at flank speed.
Anecdotally, from a friend who lives on the West Side of LA, which could go up next. . . he said that the water bombers and other aircraft that dispense fire retardants were grounded, not because of what was reported as dangerously high winds but so that Joey Sponge-Brain Shits-Pants could fly in and hold a press conference at a fire station with Governo Noose ’em so he could belch out how wonderful the government response has been.
President-elect Trump nailed it.
“Governor Gavin Newscum refused to sign the water restoration declaration put before him that would have allowed millions of gallons of water, from excess rain and snow melt from the North, to flow daily into many parts of California, including the areas that are currently burning in a virtually apocalyptic way,” Trump said in a post on Truth Social Wednesday.“He wanted to protect an essentially worthless fish called a smelt, by giving it less water (it didn’t work!), but didn’t care about the people of California. Now the ultimate price is being paid,” Trump added.
The president-elect said he will “demand that this incompetent governor allow beautiful, clean, fresh water to FLOW INTO CALIFORNIA! He is the blame for this.
“Newscum.” Trump himself or someone on his team must lurk here! The salient point is that the Red Green commies, along with preventing the damming of certain rivers as well as construction of reservoirs that would have collected rainwater and snow melt to be used in case of wildfires and also to avoid the expense of relying completely on the water from the Colorado River. But no, we have to protect the Delta Smelt, the and the Snail Darter. On top of this, California many years ago banned the controlled burning of dead sections of forest which would have mitigated if not prevented wildfires over the past 20 or so years, especially the Malibu wildfires of ’93 that I remember when I lived in LA back then. All to prevent the release of evil Carbon. We got Carbon in the atmosphere now out the wahzoo, eh Greenies? In any case, Carbon is life. Meh, it’s like banging your head against a wall to try and tell them.
You’ll also see from the links that all kinds of firefighting equipment was sent to Ukraine! And that Karen Bass in her wisdom cut millions of dollars of funding from the LAFD. All while partying with the Mugu scammers in Ghana!
Ah yes, DEI strikes again, Dissolution Evil and Incineration!
It’s not all bad news for the 64% of Los Angeles County who voted for Kamala Harris in the 2024 election. As they flee the brutal wildfires in terror, watching everything they own turn to toast, they can take comfort in knowing that their Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) — which is powerless to stop the inferno — overfloweth with sweet diversity, as planned.The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Bureau will focus on building and fostering a Department committed to engaging the voices and respecting the humanity of all its members, reflected in how it handles recruitment and hiring, workplace conduct, retention, and promotion. The DEI Bureau will be up and running and fully staffed by January 2023. It will be led by Deputy Chief Stephen Gutierrez, the Department’s first Chief Equity Officer. Thank God. I’m sure Californians would hate to be pulled out of a burning house by a fire department rife with filthy “toxic masculinity” and sorely lacking men in panties.
Marxism hates many things, including beauty, private property, success, self-sufficient people, and that “racist” meritocracy.
If nothing else, LA can burn with pride knowing the feckless fire chief checks a box…
… The fire engulfing L.A. shouldn’t be a surprise. Every institution, whether it’s our airlines, a basketball team, or a fire department, will crumble once the DEI animals spread through them like cancer. And the LAFD is one of those institutions taken over by Marxists.
Despite the widespread devastation left behind in the wake of Hurricane Helene, Buncombe County, North Carolina property owners were expected to cough up their property taxes earlier this week.Midnight on Monday Jan 6 was the deadline for property owners to pay their taxes as Public Information Officer Stacy Woods told residents, “North Carolina law does not permit property tax waivers or exceptions for natural disasters, including hurricane Helene.”
The thought of collecting taxes on property that has been destroyed or that no longer exists, is shocking to residents who are still in the process of recovering from the unprecedented destruction caused by the storm.
. . . Meanwhile, the question remains as to whether the county will move to seize properties from residents for non-payment of taxes, as allowed by law.
I’m going to take a wild guess and state Buncombe County NC likely went 100% for Trump in the past three elections and that Los Angeles County CA DID NOT.
Wow, I stand corrected, per this from commenter The Lower Depths:
11 Buncombe County NC voted against Trump all three elections. In fact, since it’s full of upscale trendies (there’s a college town there, I think?), it’s one of the few places in the whole country where Dims are better off now than they were in 2008.Dim percentages by election in Buncombe:
2004 – 49%
2008 – 56%
2012 – 55%
2016 – 54%
2020 – 60%
2024 – 61%
And yet FEMA still leaves them to twist in the wind. Were it not for the Amish community that came in to help with providing/building shelter, Appalachia would be much worse off.
How much do you want to bet that Gavin New-world-order-some is not going to demand the payment of taxes for destroyed homes. That is, unless the State’s IRS can determine the voter registration political affiliation of the affected residents. And they can and likely will.
After all, what better pretext to seize property and turn it into housing for migrants or other regime supporters. Let’s see if Pelosi ups her positions in Blackrock and Vanguard. Remember again that California’s state coffers are in the red by multiple billions. And I do NOT think The incoming Trump administration is going to give a shit that the LA Times will run the headline “Trump to LA: DROP DEAD.”
Frankly, maybe a bail out, and a rebuilding plan but on TRUMP’s terms might be a shrewd move politically.
All that said, as we all knew at the time of the hurricane, FEMA apparatchiks specifically were directed not to provide assistance to any homes that had Trump signs on their lawns or that they likely knew or correctly assumed were registered GOP families or pro-Trump.
As I have good friends and some acquaintances and a cousin in two of the affected areas, their politics is irrelevant to me. I want to know they are safe and sound. Compare and contrast with the actions of the junta in the wake of Helene.
Lefty Angelenos, pucker up because you can kiss Trump’s ass in Macy’s window as he is not going to abandon you. While I do not want money thrown around willy nilly, like a high speed rail boondoggle. But some form of rebuilding plan is both the moral and politically astute thing to do. All done without the graft, wastage and bullshit regulatory garbage, especially the environmental madness that added fuel to these fires, literally and figuratively.
Prayers for strength, courage and above all safety to all affected and for the firefighters on the front line.
Have a good day.