Month: August 2024

A cure for”TDS”?


All of us have relatives and friends who suffer from “Trump Derangement Syndrome” ‘TDS’.  It is a far more serious vararant of what used to be called “Bush Derangement Syndrome” ‘BDS’, that was prevalant in the early 2000’s. 

It fractures families and causes estrangment from friends. It can result in shouting matches, and/or stoney silence.


Fortunatly there just might be a cure.


Changing the rules…

in the middle of the game. 


















































This is Amerika’s future.

What use-to-be Great Britain now resembles the dystopia of George Orwell’s 1984.


But this is what happens when you turn your back on God and embrace a satanic ideology.


And America will follow down the same path if the Democrats win/steal this election.