Memorial day 2023

 In a few days, I will be celebrating my seventh decade on planet Earth.  I have been blessed with relatively good health, and have much to be thankful for. 


It is often said that “all gave some, some gave all”. Since 1776 close to 1.2 million American soldiers never had the privilege of growing old.


It seems that over the decades Memorial Day has become more of a celebration of the beginning of Summer than a somber reflection of the sacrifice American soldiers have made, as I was always taught, to preserve our freedom.


If all of America’s honored dead were granted by a higher power to rise from their eternal sleep for only a day to bear witness to the present state of the country to which they gave “their last full measure of devotion”,  what would they think?

I think that they would be appalled!!

America has chosen to die by suicide via the slow poisoning of its roots. And I have lived long enough to witness its beginning in the late sixties to the present day.

” …to these honored dead we take increased devotion…that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth”.  Sadly that ship has sailed.


I may have lived in the last era of real American freedom. I’m glad I’m old.


Have a wonderful Memorial Day and remember those who never grew old.