Month: August 2022

Winter is going to be interesting.

It’s likely that here in America’s largest gated community winter will be… winter.  


It’s why the majority of cars here seem to be 4WD pick up’s and AWD Toyota and Subaru SUVs.


We’ve had severe winters and mild winters. 


But if you take any stock in Farmers Almanac, this winter may be one of those old-fashioned New England winters that we heard our Parents and Grandparents speak of.


The only problem is in the past there was never any talk of the collapse of western civilization.



I am aging well, thank you

Some things don’t.

Haven’t posted “Zed” in a while. I haven’t posted anything for a while. 

I’ve been occupied with other pursuits, which in these troubling times have given me a welcome diversion to the madness that is unfolding in front of us in real-time. 

There will be times when my blog will appear to have gone dormant. Rest assured my 5 or 6 readers that it will continue if only for my own enjoyment. I am aging better now than I have in the last seven years.


I am working on a few other posts to come, but Zed always comes through.









What would be the odds?

They must have been all real old…right?


(stop asking questions, do not question the ‘experts’!!