This is what happens…

When the all-but-in-name Communist party of Vermont acquires a super legislative majority over its opposition, slowly and methodically the boot will be pressing down on that human face.

But always – do not forget this, Winston – always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – for ever.


They want to transform the Constitution of Vermont into the 1936 Constitution of the Soviet Union. 


Of course, free speech goes out the window.


This specifically targets a political intent.  The obviously unconstitutional S.265 makes little effort to hide the fact that its purpose is to intimidate voters against criticizing representatives – even when the latter are overtly violating basic tenets of law.  Legislators in Vermont have called to ban unvaccinated people from entering public buildings, suborned voter fraud, pushed for transgender therapies for children with no age limit or parental consent, distributed funds and privileges solely according to skin color, and are currently crafting numerous other patently unconstitutional laws.  Meanwhile, a Republican state senator who challenged a teacher on behalf of constituents for pressuring young students to employ gender pronouns was attacked by the Vermont Left for allegedly “doxxing” the teacher – for making his already-public email public.

and it continues with “environmental justice”

“Life, Liberty and Safety” now means infinite powers for the government to create a utopia via overt systemic discrimination. This jurisprudential somersault yields the racist system intended for Vermont:


“It is the policy of the State of Vermont that no segment of the population of the State should, because of its racial, cultural, or economic makeup, bear a disproportionate share of the environmental benefits or burdens.”


It seems that if you’re a “white” Vermonter who owns a nice home on a “few” acres on a quiet country dirt road in the backcountry of Vermont surrounded by beautiful fields and forests; you may have a “disproportionate share of the environmental benefits”, and it will be the prerogative of the government to take some of those benefits away from you and give them to people of color who on account of ‘white male privilege’ bear the “burden” of living in an urban setting with higher levels of pollution.

How this will be accomplished will be up to their imagination.  


And if you voted for this crap I hope that you’ll have the decency to bend over and take it like a man…with a smile.