Most of us of a certain age have either read the book or more likely seen the movie.
It was usually required reading in High Schools. The book won a Pulitzer Prize.
It takes place in the deep South during the depression 1930s, in those times it was as hard for the average white person not to be a racist as it was for the average German not to be a Nazi.
The black defendant has been charged with the most heinous crime imaginable, the sexual assault of a white woman. The evidence put forth screams more than reasonable doubt. To find this defendant guilty would be a gross miscarriage of justice. But find him guilty they did. The verdict was predetermined. Even if some of those white male jurors felt a pang of conscience that they were convicting an innocent man they kept it to themselves. Because everyone knew where they and their families lived and if it was determined that it was “you” who let “one of those” escape “justice”, at best your neighbors start treating “you” like a pariah. At worse a mob breaks down “your” door in the middle of the night. The courage to resist this ‘intimidation’ can be very difficult to muster when you’re outnumbered and it’s not only you but also those close to you who are in the crosshairs. Few are be capable of it.
Racism was ugly and blatant. Though it existed everywhere in the country, its most virulent strains were in the deep south. A holdover from the days of slavery, Civil War, defeat, and reconstruction.
Then heroes came forth such as Martin Luther King to finish the fight for civil rights that began in 1868. With a doctrine of non-violence, he was able to claim the moral high ground. Despite often violent resistance that cumulated with his violent death and martyrdom he set America on a path of reconciliation and long overdue racial justice.
In 2008 Americans of all colors elected Barack Obama (twice) as President in the hope that America’s original sin might finally be forgiven and put into the nation’s rearview mirror.
Well, things didn’t turn out the way everyone had hoped.
Today everything is racist, math is racist, trees, are racist, highways are racist
and of course, all white people are racist.
Today America is as divided as it was during the Civil war. The Left’s ideology is identity politics,
Critical Race theory, combined in the wretched stew of Cultural Marxism.
In 2020 leftist democrat governors and mayors ordered their law enforcement to stand down while innocent people were assaulted, and private property destroyed. Major American (blue) cities have become dystopian shitholes. Where law and order barely exists and the F.B.I. is behaving more and more like the old East German Stasi.
At this moment in time in Wisconsin, a 17-year-old white male is on trial for a double homicide. The evidence has clearly shown that it was justifiable self-defense.
Most of the media, all of academia, Hollywood celebrities, and even our puppet President have already declared him guilty.
The Judge has received death threats.
Members of the jury are being doxed. 11 women 1 man.
Violence could erupt if Rittenhouse is acquitted. Better throw him to the wolves.
No matter the verdict Kyle Rittenhouse’s life will never be the same

The evidence speaks for itself, The evidence shows that it was self-defense.
But will the jury stand for justice, or will it cower to the Mob?
To kill a Mockingbird indeed.