Month: September 2021

Losing our religion

‘Men have forgotten God!

Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn’s 1983 Templeton address

Some excerts:

Imperceptibly, through decades of gradual erosion, the meaning of life in the West has ceased to be seen as anything more lofty than the “pursuit of happiness, “a goal that has even been solemnly guaranteed by constitutions. The concepts of good and evil have been ridiculed for several centuries; banished from common use, they have been replaced by political or class considerations of short-lived value. It has become embarrassing to state that evil makes its home in the individual human heart before it enters a political system. Yet it is not considered shameful to make daily concessions to an integral evil. Judging by the continuing landslide of concessions made before the eyes of our very own generation, the West is ineluctably slipping toward the abyss. Western societies are losing more and more of their religious essence as they thoughtlessly yield up their younger generation to atheism. If a blasphemous film about Jesus is shown throughout the United States, reputedly one of the most religious countries in the world, or a major newspaper publishes a shameless caricature of the Virgin Mary, what further evidence of godlessness does one need? When external rights are completely unrestricted, why should one make an inner effort to restrain oneself from ignoble acts?

Or why should one refrain from burning hatred, whatever its basis ― race, class, or ideology? Such hatred is in fact corroding many hearts today. Atheist teachers in the West are bringing up a younger generation in a spirit of hatred of their own society. Amid all the vituperation we forget that the defects of capitalism represent the basic flaws of human nature, allowed unlimited freedom together with the various human rights; we forget that under Communism (and Communism is breathing down the neck of all moderate forms of socialism, which are unstable) the identical flaws run riot in any person with the least degree of authority; while everyone else under that system does indeed attain “equality”― the equality of destitute slaves.

The Man was a prophet…

Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn spent nearly twenty years in exile in the Democratic Peoples Republic of Vermont during the 70’s and 80’s. I imagine that very few millenials in Vermont have ever heard of him, let alone read any of his writings.

Now the age old question…Is the Pope Catholic?”

Answer: Not this one.

In the over two thousand year history of the Catholic Church there have been more than a few bad Popes.

Pope Francis has to be one of the worst.

These are dark times.

I’m glad I’m old.

Some more “Zeducation”

Haven’t had the ambition to post anything lately. But you can’t go wrong with “Zed“.

Will Post something when I have somthing I want to say

In the meantime.

Liberal Hivemind.

I haven’t had the time to post anything for awhile. so I’m posting a video from someone new to my post.

Growing up I watched the T.V. show “The F.B.I.” starring Efrem Zimbalist Jr.

I had always heard that the F.B.I. was corrupt from the begining starting with J.Edgar Hoover. It was always claimed that he had a dossier on practically every politician (and President) in Wahington D.C. which is why they could never fire him. But at least during those times the F.B.I. was generally engaged in battling communist subversion within the U.S.A.

Those days are long gone. Now the F.B.I. acts more like America’s version of the NKVD.

They’ve turned 180 deg. since the 1960’s , It was a slow turn so we wouldn’t notice.

Made in China

Paul Joesph Watson

China is pulling out all the stops.

The next few decades are going to be dicy.

China is the worlds biggest air polluter. A fact ignored by the left.

The Rainbow flag does not fly in China.

China unleashed the world pandemic on purpose, and Trump was deposed. A demented old man is the leader of the free world. American society is collapsing and the American left couldn’t be happier. For China’s rulers this scenario has succeded thier wildest dreams.

Joe Biden has screwed America

A couple of video’s from Salty Cracker

In 1933 the German people freely elected Adolph Hitler and his Nazi party into power because the German nation was on its knees, the economy sucked, and millions were unemployed. Hitler had promised every able German citizen a job and that he was going to make “Germany” great again. (M.G.G.A.)

Now we all know how that turned out.

In America we had a situation where the (pre lockdown) economy was booming; unemployment was at record lows; the wall was being built, trade deals were being rewritten to be more favorable to the U.S. our embassy was moved to Jerusalem. And lets not forget Prision reform.

President Trump above all loved America; for this the Demo{c}rats started their campaign to bring him down from the moment he took the oath of office starting with the Russian collusion hoax.

Democrats, the Left, the swamp, the media, and academia, all hated Trump and everyone who had voted for him. And of course he was always being compared to Hitler because he wanted to make “America” great again. (M.A.G.A)

So 81 million people are said to have voted for this old demented corrupt pathalogical liar . I will always believe that”It was a coup”. They didn’t vote so much “for” Biden” as “against” Trump. Their hatred for Trump overruled any common sense they might have possesed. It may give some comfort for Trump supporters to see that millions of Biden voters may now have some buyers remorse.

Afghanistan is an ongoing disaster. The economy is on a razors edge. The Constitution seems at times be be only an afterthought. The border is out of control. People are losing their jobs over their poltilcal leanings. America is a different country then it was in my youth. Will it be able to pull back from the brink or go over the cliff. It’s likely I won’t be around to see which way the country goes.

But what’s happening now a least gives one some hope.