For anyone suspected of voting for and supporting President Trump.

And it will be none other than the Vermont Republican Party throwing these people, who in all likelihood helprd to vote them into office, under the bus.
First order of business will be a revision of Vermont’s history.
Vermont Representative Anne Donahue was responding to the state GOP’s effort to appease a leftist initiative at creating a “BIPOC” (black and indigenous people of color) bank to serve the needs of Vermont’s miniscule minority population. In a carefully worded introduction to their own bill, the Republicans spoke of “the historic socio-economic disparities arising from racism, while acknowledging Vermont’s proud heritage of tolerance toward BIPOC, and intolerance toward prejudice and slavery.”
This, according to Donahue, didn’t go far enough: “the intro to one of the bills references “Vermont’s proud heritage of tolerance toward BIPOC. ….I do not think mere “tolerance toward BIPOC” would be a “proud history,” nor would I find it a matter of pride today to say that I was merely tolerant of those in the BIPOC community.”
Donahue condemns Vermont’s heritage — and its people — for “mere tolerance.” This dovetails perfectly with Critical Race Theory, which seeks to eliminate the Constitution in favor of something “more tolerant,” but never defined. What is it that she now propounds she takes pride in toward the BIPOC community that is “more than merely tolerant”?
And now according to our weasal ‘Republican’ Governor Phil Scott his own Republican party leadership is racist. And Republican legislatures also piled on:
Vermont’s Legislators enthusiastically seized Scott’s cue, producing J.R.H.1 calling for the President to resign or to be removed from office.
Vermont GOP Party Chair Deb Billado condemned the D.C. violence as “wrong, immoral and against the fundamental principles that we hold dear.” This wasn’t enough for Phil Scott.
Vermont’s Legislators enthusiastically seized Scott’s cue, producing J.R.H.1 calling for the President to resign or to be removed from office.
Vermont GOP Party Chair Deb Billado condemned the D.C. violence as “wrong, immoral and against the fundamental principles that we hold dear.” This wasn’t enough for Phil Scott.
On January 8, GOP senator Joe Benning published a scathing condemnation of Trump’s followers:
“Today I saw a picture of a busload of Vermonters on their way to Washington, D.C. They were Donald Trump supporters who remain convinced his election was stolen. I want to believe that all of them on that bus were heading down for a peaceful protest… I have to wonder whether anyone in that group got duped into joining the assault of that beautiful and historic building…. These thugs were Republicans devoted completely to Donald Trump. They are not “Patriots.” They are not “real Americans.” They are anarchists who believe in mob rule, plain and simple.”
Benning declared he “can no longer tolerate extremists posing as Republicans,” and joined with other Vermont GOP to demand that Deb Billado and the Party leadership must sign the Legislative Resolution or resign.
GOP representative Scott Beck complained that the GOP statement failed to accuse Trump of direct responsibility or call on him to resign.
So the Vermont Republican party has denounced and renounced everyone in Vermont who voted for Donald Trump despite the fact that they also voted for the very same ‘Republicans’ who managed to win political office.
I will concede that out of 248,412 votes Phil Scott received only 112,704 voted for Trump. Scott even received more votes than Biden (242,820) so it’s plain that despite the enthusiastic rallies and support that I personally saw for Donald Trump we’re still a minority so Phil Scott and the GOP leadership feel perfectly justified in accusing nearly 113,000 Vermonters of being ‘white supremacist’ and kicking us to the curb.
The Vermont Republican Party is dead to me. I will never give them another penney
They hate us, they really really hate us.
Let’s see if we start losing our jobs, and be forced to wear armbands and duncecaps.
And come for our firearms.