Democrat ruled cities erupted in riots and looting.
Commentary by Styxhexhammer666.
Too bad the we didn’t see this right after the incident. Perhaps dozens of lives and billions in property damage might have been spared.
But perhaps not B.L.M. has a political agenda. And they have a Marxist/anarchist ally in Antifa. Both groups have hated America for nearly a decade and have ironiclly utilized Constitutional freedoms to organize a revolution to overthrow that very Constitution.
And the American Democrat Party is aiding and abetting this effort.
Under the cover of combating the spread of COVID-19, in many places such as Seattle, Portland, the entire State of California, New York City and New Jersey, practicly in any locality rules by leftist Democrats the Constitution of the U.S.A. is being shredded on a daily basis.
The powder keg was already there waiting to explode. The tragic incident with George Floyed was just the match that lit the fuse.