Freedom and Unity??

Freedom of speech is slowly being eroded away and looking at this there isn’t much unity either.

Another essay by John Klar from “American Thinker”.

Despite residing in the most rural of states, many leftist Vermonters suddenly presume to be great experts on the inner-city suffering of black Americans, and have launched a fervent ideological mission — despite COVID and an imploding economy — to implement radical societal change to advance the lives of “people of color.”  In doing so, Vermont’s government has become chief arbiter, and it refuses to permit any voices of dissent — defacing a BLM sign, or calling BLM racist, is regarded as hate speech

The capital city commissioned the painting of a Black Lives Matter mural in front of the State House but denied a request to paint “Liberty and Justice for All” for Independence Day.  Vermont governor Phil Scott advised the Agency of Transportation to leave BLM graffiti undisturbed but to remove any opposing messaging.  One school board recently announced that gay pride and BLM flags will be displayed when schools reopen, refusing to even consider a petition in opposition signed by more than 500 residents.  One school principal was fired for opining that white people should not be labeled racist simply for refusing to endorse BLMRead More

John Klar is a canidate for Governor. The local media says that he’s a long shot. We shall see.

Primary day is August 11th. Make your feelings known. VOTE!!