Weekend at Bernie’s

Was this embarrassing?

Remember that Bernie is a 78 year old man who has recently suffered a heart attack. And he was just about to introduce his wife “The next first lady”.

At one time dairy farming in Vermont was as iconic as maple syrup. In the recent past Bernie always took the side of dairy farmers in lobbying for higher milk prices.

But cows fart greenhouse gas. Milliennails are turning to alternatives, oat milk, almond milk and soy. Two major dairy producers already have had to file for bankruptcy. As it is cows are disappearing and former pastures are being filled with solar panels.

And Bernie is now committed to the Green New Deal which means that he has no choice but to throw (Vermont) dairy farmers under the bus.

His own supporters have no respect for him. But crazy Uncle Bernie is promising to give out a lot of free stuff and that’s all that counts.

Boobs for Bernie !

Now this gentleman has a worldwide following and amazinly he lives in our own backyard.

His Youtube channel HERE !