Another Winter has arrived.

I’am old enough to remember more then one Christmas with no snow.

but they really believe it’s going to be the new normal

Vermont has drank the kool-aid of the climate change scam.

But we all ready knew that.

But Climate change predictions can be tricky
In 2014 the New York Times predicted the END OF SNOW !

Yet Scientific American magazine says Global Warming can also mean Colder Winters !

As does National Geographic !

War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.
Cold Is Hot

Real climate science by Tony Helle.r

Marxist (a.k.a. progressives) used to always claim that the reason that absolute unquestioned political power, out of a barrel of a gun if necessary,  was the requirment to end the explotation of the working class by the wealthy capitalist.  
The working/middle class though is doing just fine.  And as it turns out many progressives have become millionaire/billionaires themselves.  So the Progressives/Socialist/Communist had to latch on to global cooling  warming, climate change as the way to achieve their ultimate goal.  Political power and the means to crush any opposition.
Think of Animal Farm.