Black Pidgeon is Canadian.

I didn’t know that.

And he has a lot to say about Canada
Canadians seem to be slowly waking up to the fact that Canada has gone “Woke” in a very big way. Of course the Canadian media is just as corrupt with a leftist agenda as the American media. If that was the only source of your news one might be excused into believing that everything is just peachy. 
Canadian citizens have been told over and over again how superior they are living in a country with “single payer health care, gun control, and swallowing the climate change kool-aid.
But.. Things in “The Great White North” may not be as peachy as they seem.
P.M. Justin Trudeau has become quite an embarrasment over the last few months Wither conservative Canadian political parties will be able to do anything about it at the ballot box remains to be seen. 

Fortunately they have “Black Pidgeon” .

One of their own.