The Old Bolshevik’s takes his last lap.
I predict that Bernie will be dropping out of the race for the Democratic nomination very soon. Could be wrong of course, but he’s falling in the polls and he’s failing in health.
Update: Myocardial Infraction confirmed.
It’s only a matter of time. Go Home Bernie. You did very well for yourself. You never drew a private paycheck, consistantly railed against “the rich” yet became a millionaire yourself. Owning three dacha’s including one with lakefront property.
You came to Vermont from Brooklyn during the hippie invasion of the sixties, and joined a local radical Leftest party.
Later on you became Mayor of Burlington by 10 votes. Then you won Vermont’s lone house seat from a first term rino ironically with the aid of the Vermont N.R.A. The when Bill Clinton’s favorite Republican decided not to run foe the Senate again you won by a landslide.
Then in 2016 you ran for President and caught fire with Millennials, Hollywood, the media, Academia. You seem to be winning primaries and gaining delegates but unfortunately not the super-duper kind. You were old, white, male and it wasn’t you turn. Your opponent was old, white, but female and a last name of Clinton. You were screwed in the primaries but you chose not to fight the Clinton machine. And the rest they say is history. You could have won.
Go home and enjoy the rest of your life. If Vermont’s winters get to cold for you there is always retire to Cuba, that you’ve said has probably the best healthcare in the world.
Now the race is between ‘Plugs” and “Fauxcahontas”.
And possibly too that the old “Wicked Witch” may decide to make another appearance.
It’s going to be quit a ride.