Month: October 2019

May the Bastard fry in Hell

[The Media are the Enemies of the People!]

Rest in pieces goat f*cker

It should be noted that…

The Washington Compost overlooked a few things about the “auster religius scholar“.

Hananya Naftali @HananyaNaftali

Mueller refused to renounce her Christian faith while being an ISIS captive. May her memory be a blessing.


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A Tale of Two Dogs

A Bad dog!

One bad stinking rabid Dog that had to be put down.

 and a… 

Good Dog!


Donald J. Trump


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Allah is most wise and merciful

What if one day You (a professed Christian) find yourself in a situation where your surrounded by a group militant atheist or radical Muslims. They tell you that unless you renounce believing in Christ (or covert to Islam) you will have the living crap beaten out of  you or worse. 

“whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it” Matthew 16:26

Of course on the night of Jesus’s arrest Peter denied him three times, but Jesus had  already known that was going to happen.

Saint Stephen became the first Christian  Martyr.  To be followed by thousands more over the next two millennia.  Things would become especially hard for Christians in the 20th century with the spread of Communism of which militant athesim was one of it’s main pillars.  This ideology killed 100 million people. Not all were Christian but all were human beings. For many Christians the choice was remaining firm in their faith and facing severe persecution or publicly renouncing Christ and thus remain free.

While Christians in 21st century America have not yet had to endure physical torture for their faith, Christians are now mocked regularly in media andforced by State laws to participate in things that go against their beliefs. Atheist groups want to make Atheism a national religion People have lost their jobs because of their faith. Many have succumbed to the unrelenting pressure of political correctness, decided it is no longer worth it and abandon their faith.

“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Matthew 7:13

“Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” Matthew 7:14

Jesus wants to know where you stand!

But when it come to Islam,  Allah in his wisdom seems to have given those who adhere to his teachings a special clause that Christians don’t have.

You have the freedom to deceive when speaking to infidels about your faith and intentions whenever you feel it’s necessary and expediant.

It’s called Taqiyya.

Which makes Muslims and today’s Democrats two peas in a pod.


This is Personal.

Targeting People With Mental Illness and Dementia for Euthanasia

Alas, the first small legal steps toward permitting the demented and mentally ill to access suicide by doctor have already been taken. After California legalized assisted suicide for the terminally ill, the Department of State Hospitals promulgated a regulation requiring that patients who have been involuntarily committed — and who have become terminally ill — be provided access to assisted suicide despite their mental illness. By definition such people are not legally competent, or else why would they be involuntary hospitalized?

Meanwhile, Nevada just enacted a law that allows dementia patients to instruct caregivers to withhold “food and water” once they reach incapacity toward the end that they starve to death. Please note that this first-of-a-kind law isn’t about refusing a feeding tube or preventing force-feeding. Rather, the law (SB 121) permits patients selves to be refused “food and water” — even if they willingly eat, perhaps even if they ask caregivers for sustenance. That’s homicide by neglect

The thing one has to remember is that if your ever told by your doctor(s) that you have an incurable debilitating and TERMINAL disease, that you will likely have perhaps 5-6 years left to live, and that during this time you will  slowly(?) lose your memory, suffer frightening hallucinations, and look at your spouse of many years as a total stranger.  And on occasion(s) LASH OUT at them both verbally and physically, you might consider the option of planning ahead, that when your wheelchair bound, can no longer speak, and require two trained professionals to take care of your most personal needs. You just may want to consider, while you’re still of reasonably sound mind, to ease the burden on your spouse, that when a certain point of no return is reached  your physician will put you “to sleep” just like the Vet. does with a pet
Just remember in places like Belgium and Holland, once this decision is made there is no going back, no changing your mind, because to the doctors you don’t have one anymore.
Of course I’m talking about deciding one’s own fate.  Unfortunately it wasn’t me, It was my wonderful wife of 25+ years. The woman I planned to grow old with, to travel, and play with grandchildren. That’s not going to happen.
The signs were there before the official diagnosis. I’m not going to describe the three plus years of what it was  like to be a caregiver to someone with dementa. Only someone who has experenced the the ordeal themselves would comprehend.
After a lot of tears the unsoken decision between us was that we would carry on  as long as we could.  For some time she didn’t want friends or her  family to know of her condition. She made no living will of any desire of any assisted suicide prior to the disease taking its natural course. She is not in any physical pain. 
A cocktale of drugs would delay the symptoms for a while. And for nearly two years they did. Then the decline accelerated finally to a point where I could not care for her any more.
She is now in a nursing home, wheelchair bound, can barly speak, and requires two attendants to care for her personal needs.
I visit her everyday.  She knows me.  She EATS !
My wife is on Medicaid, an entitlement that she more then qualified for and we’re very glad to have to cover most of the cost of her care. Otherwise it would have been financially beyond our reach. Most people don’t anticipate or plan for something like this when in their twenties 
I’m told the time will come when she will simply stop eating, when will be determined by a higher power.  not by the doctors, not by me, and “not by the State”…for now
She will leave this world when the Lord decides to take her.
That may no longer be an option if the proponants of ‘Single Payer Health care” obtain political power to make it a reality. It would cost $TRILLIONS (that’s 1 Billion dollars x thousands). Rationing will be a certainty. especially for the very young, the very old, and the terminally ill (did someone say “death panels”)Will a culture of death descend on American health care as it already has in Europe.

Life and death decisions concering You and your loved ones most likely will no longer be between You, your Doctor, and God, but will be decided by a faceless State bureaucracy.

And when they decide that your no longer worth the expense     (perhaps a guideline will be your “Social Credit”), and the natural course of the illness has taken longer then expected (allowed), you or your loved one will be terminated by trained professionals quickly and painlessly.
And there is nothing you will be able to say to stop it.









Black Pidgeon is Canadian.

I didn’t know that.

And he has a lot to say about Canada
Canadians seem to be slowly waking up to the fact that Canada has gone “Woke” in a very big way. Of course the Canadian media is just as corrupt with a leftist agenda as the American media. If that was the only source of your news one might be excused into believing that everything is just peachy. 
Canadian citizens have been told over and over again how superior they are living in a country with “single payer health care, gun control, and swallowing the climate change kool-aid.
But.. Things in “The Great White North” may not be as peachy as they seem.
P.M. Justin Trudeau has become quite an embarrasment over the last few months Wither conservative Canadian political parties will be able to do anything about it at the ballot box remains to be seen. 

Fortunately they have “Black Pidgeon” .

One of their own.


An Essay from “The Peoples Cube

This article appeared today in “The American Thinker”.

Bernie Sanders sounds ready to set up collective farms.

Bernie Sanders in the Democratic debate last night had big plans for remodeling the country on socialist lines.

He’s guaranteeing everything — jobs, education, health care —, to everyone, in exchange for total power to decide what’s best for us.  Sound like a bargain.

Now this “American  Thinker” article segues perfectly with the essay below. It’s supposed to be satire, but is it really?

From the blog “the Peoples Cube”

From the dream diary of Tiffany, SJW


Komissar al-Blogunov

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Okay, like, I had this totally awful dream last night, okay – in my safe space! It was literally the worst dream I have ever literally had. It went like this:

It was November 3, 2020. Bernie won! It was wonderful that he won because that meant that Trump was gone! My feminist studies professor told me that Trump was literally the worst Republican president since Hitler, and I believe him. Everybody on campus was cheering, hugging, dancing, getting high, and waving rainbow flags while burning American flags. It was the greatest day in our nation’s history.

Bernie gave the best inaugural address that I have literally ever heard. He said, “The time has come to realize FDR’s Second Bill of Rights.”
I had to Google FDR, and Google said that he was literally the best president ever and AOC said Republicans persecuted him and rewrote the Constitution (some kind of boat, I don’t get it) so he couldn’t run for a fifth term after he died.
My bad, back to the speech. It was literally awesome. Bernie said, “When I see Americans without housing, without healthcare, without education, without jobs, without citizenship, I have compassion for those people. With a Democrat majority in both houses” – he had to wait a minute until the wild cheering from the reporters calmed down – “With a Democrat majority in both houses, we’re also going to implement common sense gun confiscation and make America a gun free zone!” I thought I was literally going to go deaf from all the cheering.
But then something really weird happened in my dream, and it was like I was going forward in time. I started to see headlines on the New York Times flash before me like:
“Trump to Blame for Astronomical Cost of Education”
“How Berniecare Advances Natural Selection”
“Homelessness Creates Freedom, Builds Character”
“Economy Rebounds to Healthy Levels of Unemployment Expert Says”
I mean, it sounded all good, right? Then how come I had some kind of creepy feeling about what was happening?
I couldn’t afford to stay in school, so I never got my Feminist Studies degree with a minor in Intersectionality which had always been my dream. Daddy sold our vacation home in Hawaii to help pay for my tuition, but he said it all went to the Privilege Tax to support needy professional sports celebrities. So, all I got was this participation award sent to me in the mail.
Then I got evicted from my home! The Committee for Housing said we had too much space, so my parents and my little brother and me got kicked out so some undocumented people could have a place to stay. The Committee for Housing said they would find us a place on a waiting list as soon as there was an opening, and to be patient. To make sure the house was safe for the undocumented people, the committee guy searched the house and took a gun that Daddy kept under the bed. I dunno, I felt like that was kind of wrong, but it was a gun, so, I dunno.
I guess I needed to like, work or something. I knew I could make a lot of money with the new minimum living wage of $50 per hour (Thank you, thank you, Bernie!) so I looked for my first job. I was so confused because it was like everybody else needed a job, too. Everywhere I went some guy or some woman would tell me they couldn’t afford to hire me. I went to the Employment Council building, and they said that since I was white I had to move to the back of the line. How come there were no jobs when the pay was so good?
We ended up living in an alley, and I’m not lying when I tell you it was literally the filthiest place I’ve ever seen. We tried to make a shelter, but it didn’t do much to keep the rain out, and nobody would share their tent with us. My little brother got sick, so we took him to the hospital because all the health care was free (Thank you again, Bernie, you’re awesome!) and we knew we could just walk in. You know what? There were so. many. sick people there. When we got to the desk, Mommy said that my brother may have typhoid (she used to be a nurse) and needed to be seen immediately. Well, the clerk told us to go home and come back when there weren’t so many sick people in the waiting room and the earliest appointment we could get was 11 months later.
That’s when Daddy really lost it. He started yelling and saying all kinds of bad things about Bernie! I was like, so shocked because I thought you had to be my age to know those words. Just then some guys in uniform came and grabbed all of us and we spent the night in jail. It was the nicest place we stayed since losing our house last month. The police always liked talking to Daddy for some reason because they always kept him late. I guess they really liked him because one night he didn’t come back to our cell.
After Daddy went away, we were told that we and the other 15 people in our cell were going on a train ride. That sounded kinda cool. I asked where we were going, and the guards said it was to help keep our planet green. I didn’t get what was so funny about that but they sure got a good laugh out of it.
It was literally the longest train ride ever. There was this totally gross bucket you had to use if you had to go to the bathroom. We FINALLY got off the train at Green Camp #42, and they said that we all had to be checked. My guard checked me a couple of times. I guess he wanted to be thorough, but when I asked him why he kept checking me, he said it was for women’s rights and to protect me from toxic masculinity. I guess that was kind of alright on his part, but I felt kind of weird about it. Anyway, after checking my pockets again, he found some money and said it was for the train ride, and that was why he had to keep it. Then he checked all of my pockets again to make sure I was paying my fair share.
We got moved into our new free housing which was kinda crowded, but not as bad as the prison cell. Then we went to an auditorium where we watched a video of Bernie telling us that this was our chance to do something for the planet. It was called “giving back” or something. Then I said something really dumb, I said, “But if you didn’t steal anything, why do you need to give back?” Mommy looked at me real shocked like, and then a guard punched me. I guess I said something wrong.
Then that really whacked out time travel thing started happening again. Every day we went out to dig holes in the ground. I saw Mommy get older and older every second. My little brother kept getting weaker so they composted him. It was like we never left the Green Camp, that you worked there until you died or something.
When I woke up, I was so confused, so angry. I mean, how is it even possible for socialism to turn out so bad when they make so many cool promises? Whatever. We just need the right people in charge.

A Democrat Wet Dream

This is the stark choice that the Americn people will have in the next election.

Will it be this?

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,…”

Or This… Which is essentially the Democratic party platform.

Andrei Vyshinsky Quotes

Silly goose, human rights aren’t endowed by any “Creator” because we (the left) don’t beleive in any “creator”.
The Progressive Democrat party’s wet dream. A Show Trial.

As you watch this video imagine Bukharin is Trump and Vyshinsky is Bernie.

After the liquidation of Trump will come the trials of climate change deniers and deplorables in general.

“We are in the fight of our lives. Everything is on the table in 2020. They think so too, because they think that if they lose in 2020 that they are — they’re going to have to — the rules are going to be fair and they’ll never win again. And they’re right. If we win in 2020, they are done forever.

But it’s scary for us, too, because if they win, literally it could be the end of the world.” Tom Steyer

It depends on one’s interpretation of “fair”.
If “they” win “they” intend to crush us, meaning us deplorables.  All of us.  By any means necessary.
Our young people have been so indoctinated and mis-educated, they have no idea what their asking for, they have no idea what they will lose.

I’ve nothing else ready to post

But you can’t go wrong with Paul Joseph Watson.

The Democrat Socialist Peoples Republic of Vermont Dept. of Education has for many years dumbing down and indoctrinating the youth of Vermont, from kindergarden thru 12th grade.  So much that excercises like this are now common place at all Vermont’s public schools. 

But can they compete with the madness across the pond. I suppose they can if they really want too.

Is this what’s coming?