But you already knew that.
It’s much worse then anyone thought. oh my!
Nooooo! We only have 18 months.
Do you remember the good old days when we had “12 years to save the planet”?Now it seems, there’s a growing consensus that the next 18 months will be critical in dealing with the global heating crisis, among other environmental challenges…
Consensus… just anonther word for Groupthink.
Behold: “and a little child shall lead them”
Anyone who doubts that the green movement is morphing into a millenarian cult should take a close look at Greta Thunberg. This poor young woman increasingly looks and sounds like a cult member. The monotone voice. The look of apocalyptic dread in her eyes. The explicit talk of the coming great ‘fire’ that will punish us for our eco-sins. There is something chilling and positively pre-modern about Ms Thunberg. One can imagine her in a sparse wooden church in the Plymouth Colony in the 1600s warning parishioners of the hellfire that will rain upon them if they fail to give up their witches.
Europe is presently expericencing a heat wave which only adds fuel to the hysteria.
These people (climate fanatics) are potentially(!) very dangerous to our civilization and freedom as their only hope of saving the Planet is the complete destruction of free market capitalism replaced by authoritarian Marxist top down rule.
“If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever”
Apparently for Ms.Thunberg, her country of Sweden, presently being the rape capital of the west is of no consequence compared to the climate holocaust she and her followers believe is taking place.
But as everyone knows, a population cowed by political correctness, Muslim thugs, their own media, their courts and their government is an easily controled population.
Which is exactly what the American political party that goes by the name Democrats want to impliment in this country.