Month: June 2019

Demorat Debates

“Inside every liberal progressive is a totatilatarian screeming to get out.”

Oregon a Fascist State???

It sure looks like it!!

This is what always happens when you have one party rule.

Oregon and Vermont have always been West and East joined at the hip States so Vermont will not be far behind in the least. 

 Financially secure Virtue signaling Liberals can never imagine that the policies enacted in their name will ever come back to bite them in the ass.

Just look at the States and cities on the Left coast that have been ruled by Democrats for decades.

AP PHOTOS: Homelessness overwhelms cities on US West Coast ...

Comrade Bernie Speaks

God forbid that we’re fools enough to ever elect him or any other so-called Democrat that running for President.

And to also elect a Marxist congress that would support him.
There is only one way the country will be what Bernie envisions. The application of Brute Force!

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.”

George Orwell, 1984
You fools, look at China, Cuba, Venezuela.

Look at that smile.

You will be made to care. You will obey.

The Climate Change Scam continues apace

A 21 minute video but well worth your time.

Unfortunately  the people who need to watch the video the most, the students in our high schools and colleges likely will never see this.  And even if they do they will probably not believe it.  

The ‘Climate Change scam’ is a religion with many “True Believers” . 

The State of New York has just enacted an anti carbon law that will do nothing to orevent Climate Change but could economicly ruin the state.
Vermont of course has indoctrinated it’s youth for the past 35 years .  The State is presently covering former cow pastures with thousands of Solar Panels, which is a two-fer as they’re able to get rid of farting cows at the same time.
Since we have only 12 years to save the planet it’s obvious to Left (Progressives, Democratic Socialist, Democrats, Liberals, Communist) that desperate measures are required and that only the ‘IMPOSITION’ of Democratic Socialism a.k.a. Totalitarianism can save the planet from catastrophe.

And even FOX news has swallowed the Kool-Aid.


We can’t say that we weren’t warned.

And he was absolutly right.


I had some business at the County Courthouse the other today.   I had to sign some papers.  I asked the clerk if they perfered my name written or printed.  The clerk, a lady in her sixties replied that it made no difference, but added that most young people that she has seen simply cannot write cursive anymore, they don’t teach it in schools today.  Another clerk concured…”They don’t even know how to write a check,  how are they supposed to function?”
I remember in the sixties the motto was “Question Authorty”.  Not any more.  If  you question “climate change” you’re a denier. If you question “illegal immigration” and are against “open borders” you’re a racist. If you’re pro-life you’re against  “womens health”, (the baby’s health is irrevalent). And they put it all under the umbrella of “HATE SPEECH”, And hate speech is anything that they don’t agree with. 
  Teachers today no longer teach critical thinking, they don’t teach civics, and American history is taught through the jaundiced and disgraceful  textbook of Howard Zinn’s “The Peoples History of the United States”. 
It’s not education it’s indoctranation. They promote Socialism, political correcness, gender madness and the climate change hoax and they’ve been doing it for nearly three generations.  And the dumb little sh*ts have no idea what their giving away, their freedom. 
Millianialls are the most ignorant generation America has ever produced. But they think that they’re the smartest. 

The country is in great peril!



  Abraham Lincoln

“From whence shall we expect the approach of danger? Shall some trans-Atlantic military giant step the earth and crush us at a blow? Never. All the armies of Europe and Asia…could not by force take a drink from the Ohio River or make a track on the Blue Ridge in the trial of a thousand years. No, if destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of free men we will live forever or die by suicide.”

“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution”