A slight Resemblance…..Yes?

Mark Zuckerburg                       Reinhard Heydrich


Of course the likeness is merely coincidental. But they’re both Fascist, even though… 
Mr. Zuckerberg is a Reformed Jew, a.k.a. a Jew in name only.

He is also the founder of Facebook and is a multi-billionaire.

Reinhard Heydrich,  a Nazi who was off the scale when it came to evil,  was one of the main architects of the holocaust. 

So what conceivable comparison can one make of these two men aside from appearances?

Well… both firmly believe(d) in an ideology of a master/elitist race/class of people ruling over an inferior race/class for the greater good of all or at least for the master/elites.
For Reinhard Heydrich it was the master ( Aryan) race supremacy and the liquidation of undesirables. 
For Zuckerberg it’s the silencing of any voices he considers undesirable.

Mark  Zuckerberg operates one the biggest Social Media Platforms in the world. It is one of the big four along with Google, Apple, and Amazon. 

All of the titans (and most of the employees) of these giant corporate entities are leftists progressive democrats. Because the super rich want to be on the right side of history.

Zuckerberg and Facebook were recently embroled in a data breach scandel involving an outfit known as Cambridge Analyitica. The scandel was that these people were working for Trump,  and may have helped get Trump elected.

But back in 2012 Obama’s campaign (It’s “ok” when they do it) did the exact same thing and everyone thought it was a stroke of genius. Facebook encouraged it.

Now Zuckerberg’s facebook being a “privite company” has taken on itself to censor anyone He disagrees with, and be the judge of who is violent and dangerious.  But the question is to whom
For Mark Zuckerberg and the other Silicone Valley totalitatians the 1st Amendment’s right to free speech does not apply when using their social media platforms.

Oh, the hypocracy of those they think our betters.

Demanding that private businesses (like Christian bakeries) be forced to violate their convictions of conscience by baking homosexual “wedding” cakes (though not critiquing Islamic or homosexual bakeries for similar practices) while defending other “private” businesses (like Facebook) censoring or de-platforming whomever they wish.

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Ironic that these people became billionaires via free market capitalism, but want to destroy the Constitution and remake the country that enabled their success.

They think that their privite world won’t be touched. They may be in for a surprise.