Deep down they really hated each other.

Only ideology forced them together.

Have a bottle of stomach pills handy when you watch this video.

I imagine Obama had a stomach ache after swallowing his ego during this performance.

Now the Godfather sings a different tune.
To Obama and his team, however, the real blame lay squarely with Clinton. She was the one who could not translate his strong record and healthy economy into a winning message. Never mind that Trump essentially ran the same playbook against Clinton that Obama did eight years earlier, portraying her as a corrupt exemplar of the status quo. She brought many of her troubles on herself. No one forced her to underestimate the danger in the Midwest states of Wisconsin and Michigan. No one forced her to set up a private email server that would come back to haunt her. No one forced her to take hundreds of thousands of dollars from Goldman Sachs and other pillars of Wall Street for speeches. No one forced her to run a scripted, soulless campaign that tested eighty-five slogans before coming up with “Stronger Together.

But Hillary blames…nearly everyone but herself.

Newsweek had a list too.

She includes Bernie” and all you “self hating women”.

Bottom line they were both corrupt narcissist.

America somehow survived eight years of Obama, Hillary would have finished us.
We dodged the bullet… for now.