Month: May 2019

Black Pigeon Speaks

Something we’ve all seen and known for a long time.

Well at least some of us.

What three generations of brainwashing can do.

And now our own Bernie Sanders. Who thought the Soviet Union was the perfect place for a honeymoon with his wife.

A.  Abolish Charter schools. Government alone will do the indoctrination.
B. Alowing felons to vote. The Socially Friendly.
C. Medicare for all. Rationing and death panels.
D. Free College tution.Will the political commisars  Professors also teach for free?
E. Abortion on demand up until birth.
F. Slashing military spending. Russia and China in full agreement.
G. Climate change? Need you ask? Only 12 years to save the planet.
The Progressives a.k.a. Socialist a.k.a. Communist play the long game.  I saw the beginings myself back in high school in the late sixties. They now control acadamia, the media, and the culture. Cloward-Piven and Saul Alinsky would be very proud of themselves.
Bernie and his Useful Idiots.  The poor bastards don’t have a clue what would be coming their way if Bernie or anyone of the Democrat contenders get the White House.

It’s just Joe being Joe.


To the question… How the F*CK is he leading in the polls?

“I tell you what, hon” …”Give me your address “.

Everyone laughs, everyone claps.   “I Love It” we hear.  It’s just Joe being Joe.

But  not everyone agrees;

Washington Post national political reporter Felicia Sonmez also documented the incident, tweeting: “In a somewhat odd moment at tonight’s AFT town hall, Biden tells a 10-year-old girl, ‘I’ll bet you’re as bright as you are good-looking.’ He takes her over to the assembled reporters, then stands behind her and puts his hands on her shoulders while he’s talking.”

“Recall that Biden filmed a video last month in which he vowed to respect women’s personal space,” Sonmez added. “Seems he hasn’t quite gotten the message.

Right now there are (at last count) 22 people vying for the Democrat Party nomonation. At this point in time with the election over 18 months away the only thing that they’re unanimus on is their collective hatred of Donald Trump and all that he represents. That’s their focus now.  But sooner or later they’re going to have to go after each other to determine who gets to go to the championship game of politics.

Joe Biden is presently leadind the polls but there is a long way to go. 

Personal opinion… They all Suck! 

Bernie voters are low information??

“Bernie is getting squeezed”

So says an NBC Poll.

The implication, of course, is that Sanders voters are “low information.” Todd’s panel seems to agree, pointing out that Warren has been working harder than Sanders at courting primary state voters, and that Warren built on Sanders’ 2016 campaign, turning what was then mere policy positions into what is now definitive policy proposals.

Bernie does have a few strikes against him .

  1. He’s old. But then so is everyone else. Bernie will be 79 years old in 2020.  His two main challengers  sleepy creepy Joe Biden will be nearly 78.  Fauxahontis will be a spry 71. 
  2.  He’s white and male. But so is sleepy creepy Joe. Also both are heterosexual.  Fauxahontis is white but female. (Check box for the fake Indian)
  3. Oh oh… Bernie is Jewish (in name only). With Anti-Semitism taking root in the Democrat Party  this might be problematic for  Bernie. Time will tell. 
  4. Bernie not the radical “Democratic Socialist” of the pack anymore.  They’re all spouting the same bullshit.
Of course lets not forget the principle “low information Voters”,  the people of deep blue Vermont who have been re-electing this “Trotskyite light” Political commissar to public office since 1981.  



Liberal women on ‘Sex Strike’

 Back on May 10th Liberal activist Alyssa Milano called for a “sex strike” to protest the passage if strict curbs on abortion in several States

How’s it going? Well…

You think, “Nope, progressives can’t possibly be any dumber,” and then they proceed to reset the dumbness bar. The latest example is Alyssa Milano, who has publicly announced she’s not going to have sex anymore until people can once again kill babies without restraint. If that’s what counts as foreplay these days, count us conservatives out.

As far as I’m concerened they should hold that asprian tablet between their knees for the rest of their lives.
Besides who in their right mind would want to f*ck those blue bitches.

Vermont and Maine during the reign of Franklin Roosevelt


ElectoralCollege1936.svg  1936

ElectoralCollege1940.svg   1940

ElectoralCollege1944.svg  1944

Vermont was a different world back then.

In 1944 America did dodge another bullet when Roosevelt dumped Henery Wallace as his Vice President.

Big Government along with its leftward drift began with Roosevelt but the majority of Democrats still loved America and put America first. It’s not that way anymore.

John Kennedy would not recognize and would have no place in the Democrat Party today. 

Today the Democrats consist of Joe Bite-me,  Bernie Sandernista, Fauxcahontis, Butt-Plug,  deBolshevik and at last count 18 more. 

Butt-Plug even wants to purge Thomas Jefferson

Henery Wallace would fit right in and would be one of the front runners today.

And the majority of the people of Vermont would likely vote for him. or anyone but Trump.

Repreations for slavery? What about it Mohammad?

This painting is showing American slave markets that existed prior to the Civil War.

Slave Markets

(This painting is politicly correct)

No one denies that slavery existed in America. But groups of Americans fought for its abolition in the decades after America’s founding.  Unfortunately the “peculiar institution” was also of powerful economic interest mainly in the South. What made it all the worse was that unlike slavery in ancient Greece or Rome it was predicated on one “race” enslaving another. America fought a bloody Civil War that in the end preserved the Union and removed this “bleeding wound” from the country forever.

But bleeding wounds take time to heal, and in the 150 odd years since the passage of the Reconstruction Amendents to the Constitution the scab has been constantly picked at to ensure that the wound “never” heals. 

After the Civil War the Party of Slavery (DEMOCRAT) instituted Jim Crow Laws and formed the terrorist Ku Klux Klan.

The civil rights movement of the late fifties and sixties under the nominal leadership of Martin Luther King jr. corrrected many of the inequalities of the past. But the EVIL Democrats had one last trick up their sleeve with Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society which vastly expanded the federal government, destroyed the Black family, and created a new Democrat Plantation to ensure the loyalty of the very people his own party had oppressed.

Now you have Black Overseeres Democrats like Maxine Waters promising repreations for what America did long ago to their ancesters long dead.

But what about Slavery and Islam?

Islamic slave market painting stirs controversy


(This painting is not politiclly correct)

An American museam is demanding that a German anti-Islam party cease and desist using the painting as an politica;l tool. Remember that Islam unlike Christianity and Judiasm is a protected religion. The Germans told them to pound sand.

The situation was arguably worse for Eastern Europeans;  the slave markets of the Ottoman sultanate were for centuries so inundated with Slavic flesh that children sold for pennies, “a very beautiful slave woman was exchanged for a pair of boots, and four Serbian slaves were traded for a horse.”  In Crimea, some three million Slavs were enslaved by the Ottomans’ Muslim allies, the Tatars. “The youngest women are kept for wanton pleasures,” observed a seventeenth century Lithuanian.
Even the details of the “Slave Market” painting/poster, which depicts a fair and naked female slave being pawed at by potential buyers, echoes reality.  Based on a twelfth-century document dealing with slave auctions in Cordoba, Muslim merchants “would put ointments on slave girls of a darker complexion to whiten their faces; brunettes were placed for four hours in a solution to make them blond (‘golden’); ointments were placed on the face and body of black slaves to make them ‘prettier.'” Then, the Muslim merchant “dresses them all in transparent clothes” and “tells the slave girls to act in a coquettish manner with the old men and with the timid men among the potential buyers to make them crazy with desire.

Rashida Tlaib (D-Mi.) and  Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) are recently elected Muslim members of Congress. They are virulently anti-Christian ,anti-Sementic and anti-Isreal. They have found a welcoming home in the Democrat Party.

Islam is slowly becomeing the the default State religion in America as it being taught in public schools.

During the 2014-2015 school year, a Christian teenage girl was forced to recite the Islamic conversion creed — the Shahada — in writing for her 11th-grade class. She was also taught that “Most Muslims’ faith is stronger than the average Christian.” The Thomas More Law Center (TMLC) sued the school responsible, and the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled with the school. TMLC appealed to the Supreme Court, filing a Writ of Certiorari on Monday.
“Under the guise of teaching history or social studies, public schools across America are promoting the religion of Islam in ways that would never be tolerated for Christianity or any other religion,” TMLC President and Chief Counsel Richard Thompson said in a statement. “I’m not aware of any school which has forced a Muslim student to write the Lord’s Prayer or John 3:16: ‘For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.'”
“Many public schools have become a hotbed of Islamic propaganda,” Thompson argued. “Teaching Islam in schools has gone far beyond a basic history lesson. Prompted by zealous Islamic activism and emboldened by confusing court decisions, schools are now bending over backwards to promote Islam while at the same time denigrate Christianity.
“We are asking the Supreme Court to provide the necessary legal guidance to resolve the insidious discrimination against Christians in our in our public schools,” he concluded.
This is all against the Constitution. But I guess it’s okay when “They” do it.
I wonder if the issue of Muslim slavery will ever come up in class.








Paul Joseph Watson in Digital Gulag

Remember the Berkley Free Speech Movement way back when?

With the participation of thousands of students, the Free Speech Movement was the first mass act of civil disobedience on an American college campus in the 1960s.[4] Students insisted that the university administration lift the ban of on-campus political activities and acknowledge the students’ right to free speech and academic freedom. The Free Speech Movement was influenced by the New Left,[5] and was also related to the Civil Rights Movement and the Anti-Vietnam War Movement.[6] To this day, the Movement’s legacy continues to shape American political dialogue both on college campuses and in broader society, impacting on the political views and values of college students and the general public.

The last thing you’ll find on American college campuses in the 21st century is “free speech”.   They are simply indoctranation centers for cultural Marxism.

And woe to you if you trigger a snowflake.