Month: April 2018

Is Vermont, like Europe a lost cause?

Ya, I kinda think so.

Certainly no “question everything” here.

“Students feel very strongly that this is going to disproportionately affect them and they are going to be bearing a lot of the costs,” he said. “Students care about climate change and they are more aware of political inaction so they wanted to do something about it.” 


Hundreds of students gathered at Montpelier High School before marching to the State House lawn for the rally.

Students from all over the state gathered at Montpelier High School Thursday morning, and marched to the State House for the rally.

Keynote speakers included students from several different schools around the state. 

Sarah Claus, 18, of Champlain Valley High School in Hinesburg, opened with slam poetry titled ‘Metamorphosis of a Nation,” that noted, “America land of the free, where everyone has a voice,” and lamented the damage caused to a virgin wilderness, adding “This is the voice of the children. We demand justice.” 

Fellow CVU student Julia Grant implored, “If people would only listen to the sounds surrounding us, more would know that currently we are facing one of the largest environmental crises this planet has ever seen. We cannot keep pretending this isn’t a problem.” 

What these young “skulls full of mush” refuse to realize is that the “science” behind “global warming”,  or “climate change” is highly suspect. That they have become the political pawns of a political ideology that brooks no dissent and who would put skeptics in jail.

America will no longer be the “land of the free” and only the voice of the “politically  correct” will be allowed to be heard.

Ten years from now kids they may start putting “YOU” in jail.


Anyone ready to follow this guy’s example.

On April 14, a man set himself on fire in Brooklyn’s Prospect Park.  His suicide was fired with fossil fuel, as was his stated intent in protest of climate change.  According to his suicide note, the man lamented, “My early death by fossil fuel reflects what we are doing to ourselves.”

What should society take from this man’s messy and tragic death?

U.N. officials who admit that so-called climate change is about ending capitalism, not protecting the environment, will take nothing.

UN IPCC official Ottmar Edenhofer: “One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy, it is not.  [It is actually about how] we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth.”

That’s right you little twerps. It’s never been about “SAVING THE PLANET”


But kids, did your political commissars,  indoctrinators , teachers ever tell you that this ice cap thing has been since before you were born.







What would NSIDC and our media make of a photo like this if released by the NAVY today? Would we see headlines like “NORTH POLE NOW OPEN WATER”? Or maybe “Global warming melts North Pole”? Perhaps we would. sensationalism is all the rage these days. If it melts it makes headlines.

Skate (SSN-578), surfaced at the North Pole, 17 March 1959.

Skate (SSN-578), surfaced at the North Pole, 17 March 1959. Image from NAVSOURCE

Someday you young people may realize that 90% of what you’ve been taught is wrong.  By then it may just be too late. Not to “save the planet”, oh no, the earth will be fine,  but to save your FREEDOM!!!!


Ginger or Mary Ann

Compare & Contrast:

compare and contrast - strong woman.jpg
Which would YOU choose?

More Progressive Love For Strong Women

Stolen from Ace of Spades.


women for trump.jpg

Now this is a difficult decision.  Oh hell I would chose “both” of them.


This is getting to close for comfort.

Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime. - Lavrentiy Beria

For everyone who has never heard of this bastard please refer to this link.



Robert Mueller

Everyone should know who this bastard is.

“Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime “

So is there a dime’s worth of difference????


April is a crazy month

Full of highs and lows.

April 8th 2018

Another morning waking up to temperatures below freezing.  And I’m getting damn sick of it.

But April is that transition from winter to (mud season) spring.

1923 was a really cold April.  As was  1982.


Barre Montpelier, VT April Record Low 2 °F April 05, 1954 Average April Low: 32 °F
Burlington, VT April Record Low 2 °F April 07, 1972 Average April Low: 35 °F
Cavendish, VT April Record Low -2 °F April 01, 1923 Average April Low: 30 °F
Edward F Knapp State Park, VT April Record Low 7 °F April 05, 1995 Average April Low: 33 °F
Enosburg Falls, VT April Record Low -7 °F April 02, 1911 Average April Low: 33 °F
Essex Junction, VT April Record Low 2 °F April 06, 1995 Average April Low: 33 °F
Mt Mansfield, VT April Record Low -13 °F April 07, 1982 Average April Low: 25 °F
Newport, VT April Record Low -2 °F April 01, 1964 Average April Low: 31 °F
Rochester, VT April Record Low 1 °F April 07, 1982 Average April Low: 30 °F
Rutland, VT April Record Low -19 °F April 19, 1923 Average April Low: 34 °F
South Hero, VT April Record Low 8 °F April 07, 1972 Average April Low: 35 °F
St Albans, VT April Record Low 6 °F April 06, 1982 Average April Low: 35 °F

However 1976  and 1990 were really hot !

I remember well,  of course 1976 was back during a time of  global cooling. By the 1990’s it was flipped 180 degrees (no pun intended) to global warming.The climate change people would really like to cosign the former down the memory hole.

I could get into the politics of climate change, how it’s being used as a cudgel by progressives in an effort to control our lives but not now.

We’ll just leave with the notion that April is a month that can run hot or cold, warm or cool, wet or dry, and everything in between.

But warm is better.

Barre Montpelier, VT April Record High 90 °F April 18, 1976 Average April High: 53 °F
Burlington, VT April Record High 91 °F April 18, 1976 Average April High: 55 °F
Cavendish, VT April Record High 93 °F April 20, 1941 Average April High: 55 °F
Edward F Knapp State Park, VT April Record High 90 °F April 18, 1976 Average April High: 55 °F
Enosburg Falls, VT April Record High 89 °F April 27, 2009 Average April High: 57 °F
Essex Junction, VT April Record High 91 °F April 18, 2002 Average April High: 55 °F
Mt Mansfield, VT April Record High 74 °F April 28, 1990 Average April High: 40 °F
Newport, VT April Record High 87 °F April 19, 1976 Average April High: 54 °F
Rochester, VT April Record High 91 °F April 29, 1990 Average April High: 55 °F
Rutland, VT April Record High 92 °F April 28, 1990 Average April High: 57 °F
South Hero, VT April Record High 88 °F April 27, 1990 Average April High: 54 °F
St Albans, VT April Record High 88 °F April 27, 1990 Average April High: 53 °F

Young men and women today.

13-year-old Ethan Sonneborn is running for governor of Vermont.

Thirteen-year-old Vermont gubernatorial candidate Ethan Sonneborn, a Democrat, wants the state to pass a gun control bill, and he wants to be sure an “assault weapons” ban is added to it.

This Young lady might have a different opinion. She’s also 13 years old.

Now this is what I call empowering women.


And the children shall lead them.


“The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation.”
―Adolph Hitler

What a precocious little twerp.

Thirteen-year-old Vermont gubernatorial candidate Ethan Sonneborn, a Democrat, wants the state to pass a gun control bill, and he wants to be sure an “assault weapons” ban is added to it.

NBC 5 quotes Sonneborn saying, “My generation has been taking an important step in this because we’re the ones were getting shot. This affects us directly and people who say it can’t happen in Vermont, we came this close to it happening in Vermont. It will happen in Vermont if we don’t take action.”…


His goal is true “progressive gun reform.

NBC 5 said Sonneborn believes lawmakers who oppose the new gun controls come from “parts of the state where guns are more prevalent.

Vermont had been a deep blue state for several decades and I knew that it was only a matter of time before one of the safest states in the nation  with practically no gun restrictions decided that it was an opportune time to get on the anti-gun bandwagon especially after the thwarted school shooting attempt by, as usual, a messed up millennial.

And why are they messed up?  Three generations of liberalism will do the trick.

And little by little, inch by inch confiscation is the goal.

The anti-gun movement has held out the falsehood that they are not coming after people’s guns as a central core of their effort to hide their existential goal.  The lid was blown off that charade when a 97-year-old man who previously occupied a position at the top level of our country (retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens) advocated for the abolition of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in the paper of record – The New York Times.

I was a teenager once. And my world view has changed 180 degrees since those long ago days.  It because I grew up, read books, questioned everything  and drew conclusions. which did no happen overnight.

Here is a couple of interesting videos.