I’m really not that significant.

When it comes to You tube and Google.

Yes it’s amazing that companies like You Tube and Google which are worth Billions of dollars that came about through the concepts of capitalism, free markets, and innovation. They’ve practically cornered the market when it comes to Internet access via their search engine and video platforms. Yet the very things that enabled them to achieve  great success they condemn with their “SJW” crap.  And like snow flakes they melt when other people give opinions they don’t agree with or violates their (arbitrary) standards.


As perhaps over a dozen people on the planet know, I have a politically conservative blog. And when I can find the time I will vent my opinions on various subjects. I am one of thousands of blogs on the internet and in all probability 99% of all the ‘visits” I receive are “bots”

So their is no need for Google to censor my blog or You tube to censor my video channel. I’m not ever a blip on their radar. And you can’t de-monetize something that was never monetized in the first place.

I use Google and You Tube but they are run by fascist snowflakes.

So without further adieu, Mr. Pat Condell celebrating “International Women’s day”.