Month: October 2017

Sexual harassment then and now.

What a difference 20-25 years makes.  Ever since the Harvey Weinstein scandal broke wide open, in the New York times no less, otherwise the libs wouldn’t have believed it, despite the fact that ‘practically everyone’ in Hollywood knew about it…for a long time.

And this has opened the floodgates.


And then there’s Mark Halperin.

Here’s what El Rusbo had to say.

Well we remember way back in the 20th century things were quite different. Of course if you were a Republican, conservative, Christian,  or clergymen and were caught in behavior like this you were metaphorically nailed to the cross.

But if you were a  liberal democrat in the last century especially if your name was Ted Kennedy, and your commitment in protecting abortion rights made you a feminist  superstar. With women it made you a powerful, powerful  man, and face it, women are attracted to powerful men. A few I’m sure were more then willing, perhaps considering it a duty and a privilege. Many I’m also sure were not so willing.  Remember the waitress sandwich. And what about Mary Jo Kopechne, Left to die in a tidal pool while the Rat ran away to save his ass. No Matter, This was more then the single life of one young women or the assault of many others. This a was war, casualties had to be expected.

There wasn’t a fraction of the outrage at this behavior. Ted Kennedy was lionized as an icon. After his death, there were suggestions that Mary Jo’s death was worth it.

At the Huffington Post, Melissa Lafsky mused on what Mary Jo “would have thought about arguably being a catalyst for the most successful Senate career in history . . . Who knows — maybe she’d feel it was worth it.”

No doubt

President William Jefferson Clinton was quite the pole cat, long before the infamous  Monica Lewinski scandal there were many other women. If he had been a Republican President he would have been toast.  But…the Press and Hillary roasted these women. They were sacrificed for the cause.

This is what Ms. Nina Burleigh had to say back in the nineties.

“I would be happy to give him a blowjob just to thank him for keeping abortion legal. I think American women should be lining up with their Presidential kneepads on to show their gratitude for keeping the theocracy off our backs.”[50][51] Referring to the comment in a 2007 piece for The Huffington Post, Burleigh wrote, “I said it (back in 1998, but a good quote has eternal life) because I thought it was high time for someone to tweak the white, middle-aged beltway gang taking Clinton to task for sexual harassment. These men had neither the personal experience nor the credentials to know sexual harassment when they saw it, nor to give a good goddamn about it if they did. The insidious use of sexual harassment laws to bring down a president for his pro-female politics was the context in which I spoke.”[52

They tried to give a “G-D damn about it.  But being harassed and assaulted by powerful democrats was the price women felt they had to pay for their “pro-female politics”.

Remember Al Gore and the sexual assault allegations that were made against him. You don’t?  Well he’s a man trying to save the world from climate change. Woman just take one for the team!  Shut up!

Now even George H.W. Bush has been called out for sexual assault from his wheelchair.

But Women don’t seem to be taking it anymore from seemingly powerful men regardless of political affiliation or to advance their careers.

Times have certainly changed…and it’s about time.




In a 2007 decision The Supreme Court of the Unites States declared the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is a pollutant.  Under broad definitions It could be classified  as such. In  2014 the SCOTUS reaffirmed this decision but did pull the EPA’s reins back a little.

But can one make money from Climate Change? Of course.

Tax the shit out of it.

About 60 people gathered at the Old Labor Hall in Barre on Tuesday for a presentation, “Everyone’s Economic Opportunity in Climate Action, ” to discuss strategies for slowing down climate change and making money in the process.

Sponsored by Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility and Vermont Natural Resources Council, the proceedings were moderated by Daniel Barlow, public policy manager for VBSR.

Of course it all starts with GOVERMENT.

Barlow explained the forum is aimed at bolstering planned legislative action to create a “carbon-pricing mechanism.”

Several bills have been introduced, including:

— H.394, an act relating to a carbon tax and cap and a trade study in the Joint Fiscal Office.

— H.531, relating to a carbon pollution fee in Vermont.

— H.532, relating to replacing statewide education tax revenue with a fee on carbon tax pollution.

— H.533, relating to eliminating Vermont’s sales and use tax and replacing it with a carbon fee on corporations.

The meeting raised the point that a carbon tax could help people with limited means.

“Low-income Vermonters are especially at risk due to climate change,” Barlow said. Therefore, he said, finding ways to leverage the situation into job growth is essential.

At least 19,000 Vermonters work in fields related to energy efficiency, such as Green Mountain Power employees, lawyers who represent energy efficiency, wind and solar developers, and wind and solar power manufacturing and installation, Barlow said in a telephone interview prior to the event.

The “clean energy economy” has grown while other sectors are struggling, he said.

Well it would stand to reason that the “clean energy economy” is growing when it’s subsidized by the government with other peoples money.

Where this all leads I have my guesses. It won’t make a difference in the grand scheme one way or the other. But people that have political power need to use it now and then.  For the greater good, of course.




What do some feminist have against Uncle Bernie?

Simply put it’s because he’s male.

Progressives came out in full force Thursday to denounce Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders as the headlining speaker at a convention organized by the Women’s March.

Feminists and their organizations blasted the Women’s Convention, a three-day event aimed a female liberation, for having Sanders speak on the opening night of the convention. Some women took to Twitter to voice their frustrations, while others rallied behind a petition calling for the immediate removal of Sanders.

Bernie has three big items going against him.  First he is a “man”, second he opposed Nurse Ratchet Hillary Clinton of the Democrat nomination. third he’s an old man.

Now Bernie did write some essays back in the early seventies about “rape fantasies” but one thing Bernie is not is a serial sexual assaulter.  Unlike former President Bill Clinton. Bill had the ultimate get out of jail free card, his personal protection of abortion rights endeared him so much to progressive leftist women that author Nina Burleigh has this to say back in 1998

In a 1998 essay for Mirabella, Burleigh described an occasion aboard Air Force One when she noticed President Bill Clinton apparently looking at her legs. The piece led to her being described as “the Ally McBeal of former White House reporters” by columnist Ellen Goodman. Approached by a Washington Post media reporter to discuss the Mirabella article, Burleigh stated, “I would be happy to give him a blowjob just to thank him for keeping abortion legal. I think American women should be lining up with their Presidential kneepads on to show their gratitude for keeping the theocracy off our backs.”[50][51] Referring to the comment in a 2007 piece for The Huffington Post, Burleigh wrote, “I said it (back in 1998, but a good quote has eternal life) because I thought it was high time for someone to tweak the white, middle-aged beltway gang taking Clinton to task for sexual harassment. These men had neither the personal experience nor the credentials to know sexual harassment when they saw it, nor to give a good goddamn about it if they did. The insidious use of sexual harassment laws to bring down a president for his pro-female politics was the context in which I spoke.”[52]

Reading this today in 2017 after all the Harvey Weinstein revelations it is clear or should be clear to everyone that the holy sacrament of progressive women is abortion without restriction.  That certain women will willingly debase themselves to male power brokers and politicians who will use their power to protect that right. And if these same men use fear and intimidation to force themselves on the unwilling victims, and if these women speak out, well what do you expect from trailer park trash.  And none other then Hillary herself will be twisting the knife. Not all women are equal in the eyes of progressives, and collateral damage has to be expected.

Sexual assault is bad only when conservatives and republicans practice it.

But lets get back to dear Uncle Bernie.

Bernie’s progressive resume should be beyond question, and they are. Apparently the only real fly in the ointment is that they have Bernie opening the convention. A women by the name of Amanda H. Ashcraft has launched a petition to have him removed as opening speaker.

Optics are extremely important.  The Women’s Convention, in her goal of empowering and putting the voices of women on the front lines, should lead by example and have a woman open the convention.  The individual who kicks off an event often becomes the “face” of the event.  It is only right to have a woman’s face for the Women’s Conference.  Having a man’s face only continues the invisible presence, work, and voices of women.

Bernie will likely be a gentleman and offer to speak during the convention.  If only to preserve unity for the cause.

The keynote speaker will be non-other then dingbat Maxine Waters.

Perhaps they’ll all wear their “Pussy hats” again.



There was no mail at my house yesterday.

At first I thought that the mailman just hadn’t shown up.

Then It dawned on me that yesterday was Columbus day.  You remember that murdering white European who came to the Americas and brought nothing but death and despair to all the indigenous people of the Americas. And that despair is with them to this day. At least that is what they tell us.

Columbus is not politically correct.

So I was surprised that the Federal Government was still observing it. But it does mean a day off.

So many have stated that Columbus day should be abolished and replaced with Indigenous Peoples Day.

Well why not.

indigenous peoples day.jpg