Solar panel Farms: YES! Dairy farms NO!


Vermont is at the forefront in saving the planet.

I’ve posted on this subject before.  As readers(?) of this blog will no doubt note.

Vermont needs to do away with dairy farming altogether. Cows fart methane. Methane is even a worse greenhouse gas then carbon dioxide.  Get rid of the cows and fill the pastures with solar panels. It’s a win win situation.

And none other the light bringer Obama himself agrees.

From Heatstreet.

The most striking of Obama’s remarks came when he brought up food consumption. “Our existing food system is a significant contributor to climate change,” Obama said going on to list ways that the challenge of people eating could be slowed or halted. “We need to create a food culture that encourages a demand for healthier more sustainable food,” he lectured, claiming that up to 40% of Americans waste food while millions on the planet starve. Perhaps this is the part of the speech he should have given before sailing around Polynesia on billionaire David Geffen’s yacht with Tom Hanks, Bruce Springsteen and Oprah Winfrey.

The article mainly focuses on meat consumption, but we know better. Dairy cows fart too.

Perhaps it’s time to switch to almond or soy milk.