Now about our Governor

I feel sorry for Gov. Phil Scott.  He was such a patient fellow. Six years as Lt. Gov.,  the people of Vermont rewarded his patience with election to the top post.

Getting elected despite having the scarlet “R” by your name in the deeeeep blue state of Vermont is an accomplishment in itself. Too bad for the Governor the good people of Vermont chose not to give him any support in the legislature for his policies. Heck they couldn’t even give him a republican African American Lt. Governor, instead he got a “progressive democrat” David Zuckerman, who is patiently waiting his turn.

The only time he gets a pat on the back is when he opposes the imigration policies of the POTUS.  A member of his own political party.

Yes it’s still early but in my opinion Gov. Scott main task will be to slow the progressive freight train that for the time being appears to be unstoppable. At least until the state runs out of other peoples money.