Month: October 2016

A question to our Representatives in the Democrat party


Dear Patrick Leahy , Peter Welch,  Bernie Sanders, Peter Shulmin, unless your heads have been stuck up in a dark place for the past few weeks you’ve no doubt seen, heard or read about Project Veritas and the WikiLeaks emails exposing the absolute corruption of your political party.

Now I understand that Democrat party today is not the same party of 40-50 years ago. it has morphed in the kind of party that even Lenin would say was moving in the correct direction. It’s obviously very disciplined! The DNC. rigged the primary against Bernie. His campaign was doomed from the start.  Yet today he licks her shoes and tells everyone who supported had him to do the same. Well, Bernie is an old Bolshevik. He knows his place. Besides he just got a new dacha by the lake.

Pat Leahy is one of the most senior member of the U.S. Senate. He should have the same respect and is words should carry a lot of weight. All I can say is that Pat Leahy is no George  Akin, no” wise old owl”As far as I can see he doesn’t care or he doesn’t dare. Is anything beneath you Senator Leahy?

Peter Welch is still a relative newbe. He keeps his mouth shut. The house leaders are not called “whips” for nothing.

Our departing Governor was all in for Hillary from the start. Maybe he had inside information.

But then if they spoke out, actually agreeing with republicans and conservatives that their party is doing things that they would be screaming hole hell if republicans were engaged in this.  They might lose their next election. Such as it presently is in the Peoples Republic of Vermont.

They’ve sold their souls to the alter of progressivism.

As the late Uncle Walt would say, “and that’s the way it is”.



Trying to discuss issues with Liberals (It’s not easy)

One of the things I’ve noticed when trying to “discuss” the issues with liberals is the that it seems to me that they will steadfastly refuse to read any articles or blogs that does not agree with their liberal politics. I’ve tried to “encourage them to read blogs such as “American Thinker” , “Ace of Spades”, “Bookworm Room” etc.. Or to listen to a few programs of Rush Limbaugh or Andrew Willkow on Sirius XM. But I doubt that they ever do.

What they read instead are  the Times Argus/Free press, The New York Times, the New Yorker, Newsweek, Time, Esquire, National Geographic, the Smithsonian. What they watch is ABC,CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC ESPN and PBS.

If Yahoo is your home page to the internet then there you go. The progressive message is everywhere, being reinforced. Climate change, free healthcare, and of course political correctness.

It’s taught in our schools K to 12, and in practically every college.

Did I mention Hollywood, with it’s multi-millionaire celebrities who live in gated mansions with armed  security who tells us that we need to get rid of our guns, and to save the environment while they fly in private jets.

James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas, and Julian Assange’s  WikiLeaks E-mail releases show the corruption and outright criminality of the entire DNC which will leave nothing to chance in their effort to elect Hillary.

None of this seems to matter, either to Pat L. or  Peter W. loyal democrats all  or Bernie S. who got shafted but nonetheless bows down.

Do you remember a slogan going around years ago, question everything”, well for Libs the “science is settled. It’s easier not to question, and safer.

At my place of employment I’m acquainted with  two gentlemen who are very liberal.  They both supported Bernie for President. They both have misgivings about Hillary. but not enough it seems that they could vote for Trump.

They believe in open borders, and seem to have no problem with bringing in 100,000 refugees from the middle east. After all our government will have vetted them. It’s the right thing to do.

They have faith in Big government to be fair and just.

But I seem to be started to grate on one of them. The other day he call me a “far right winger”. I had offered to tell him about my blog and invited him to read it.   He refused, he wanted nothing to do with it.  He’s a good person but I doubt I’ll engage in political debate with him again.

I’m sure neither of them would ever stoop to listen to Rush.

This is what the sincerely believe, until someday they are mugged by reality.  And even then…

November 8th will be here soon. Then we will Know.


Capitalism vs. Socialism




A guy looked at my Harley and said, “I wonder how many people could have been fed for the money that motorcycle cost.” I replied, “I am not sure, it fed a lot …of families in Milwaukee Wisconsin who built it, it fed the people who make the tires, it fed the people who made the components that went into it, it fed the people in the copper mine who mined the copper for the wires, it fed people in Decatur Il. at Caterpillar who make the trucks that haul the copper ore, I guess I really don’t know how many people it fed.”
That is the difference between capitalism and welfare mentality. When you buy something you put money in peoples pockets and give them dignity for their skills. When you give someone something for nothing , you rob them of their dignity and self-worth. Capitalism is freely giving your money in exchange for something of value, Socialism is taking your money against your will and shoving something down your throat that you never asked for.

Remember, vote early and often.

From James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas

In a video released by Project Veritas, James O’Keefe exposes what everyone except Democrats have known to be true. There is a lot of voter fraud.

In the video, NYC Democratic Commissioner of the Board of Elections Alan Schulkin is caught on hidden camera at a United Federation of Teachers holiday party admitting that there is widespread voter fraud in New York City.

“Yeah, they should ask for your ID. I think there is a lot of voter fraud,” said Schulkin, who elaborated on the types of voter fraud that are taking place in New York.

Voter fraud has been labeled as a right-wing myth by the left, but Schulkin, a Democrat, confirmed everyone’s worst fears, going against the grain of his own party.

“You know, I don’t think it’s too much to ask somebody to show some kind of an ID…Like I say, people don’t realize, certain neighborhoods in particular they bus people around to vote,” said Schulkin

Read the whole thing and watch the video.

But remember, there is no “evidence” they keep telling us.

100 middle eastern refugees to Rutland

100 Syrian and Iraq refugees will arrive in Rutland sometime in Dec or Jan. so reports WCAX-3.

The city government of Rutland has kept this plan secret from the public until recently and is still withholding many details.

Here’s a few questions.

What percentage will be women and children?

Will there be any Christians among them? I doubt it.

How many single men will there be?

Does Rutland presently have a Mosque?

Will they have medical exams to insure that they don’t have infectious diseases.

From The American Thinker May 24th 201

The character of the city of Rutland, Vermont is facing major change.  Nestled in the beautiful Green Mountains of Vermont, it is an unsuspecting city targeted for refugee resettlement.  After being kept in the dark since their mayor’s unilateral decision to accept 100 Syrian and Iraqi refugees in October, Rutland citizens should investigate the threatening impact that refugee resettlement has on their own public security, economic stability and community health before it’s too late.

If Muslims could simply practice their religion in peace, say their prayers five times a day. Be good neighbors and recognize the U.S. Constitution as the supreme law of the land, (not Sharia law).  And a Muslim girl can date a non-Muslim boy without fear of her father killing her. Then there would be no problems.  But that’s usually not how it works.

Its going to be quite an experiment.


Have you ever noticed?

Have you ever noticed that within the last few years that whenever you call costumer service for practically any type of business you are told in advance that the call is being recorded for “training purposes”.  I don’t doubt that this is true. Of course it also serves another purpose,  If your calling because you are royally pissed off with them either for a gross mistake, crummy service or defective merchandise, if you know that everything you say is being recorded then you will temper your emotions, and have a civil conversation, explaining your dissatisfaction calmly, and lo and behold you usually come to a successful resolution.

Not that you would ever make a total ass of yourself by shouting into the phone you GD,MF,SOB, and have it recorded for posterity.

Of course some people could not care less.

We all say stupid things, but we don’t expect to be recorded and have it thrown in our faces ten or twenty years later.

Perhaps we should expect it now?  especially if your a conservative in your leanings.

Remember they control the language.