Memories…memories, faces from my past

Phil Cargill appropriating gov't gasOne of the greatest things that happen when your on a excellent  adventure is the people that share the adventure with you.  I’m going to introduce you to one of them.  Now were talking 43 years. Unfortunately I lost contact with these fine people long ago. Life happens, you move on.  Hopefully they are all still with us.  In the unlikely event that  someone who knows them or they themselves should stumble upon this blog they can contact me at

The person shown above is Mr. Phil C. Filling his truck with government gas. We had great times cruising in that truck. Think of an Alaskan version of Cheech and Chong. One of the things that we did was knocking over stop signs. He justified it by saying that he was creating employment for the locals. Sure enough the stop sign would be replaced by a better one, a steel pole embedded in cement. Like they were saying hit it again M.F.”.

Gosh there is something about being young, stoned, and laughing so hard you think your ribs are going to break.  A great guy. I went to his wedding after we got out. I hope he’s had a wonderful life.

The town of Kodiak then always reminded me of a frontier town. The great Alaska earthquake which practically destroyed the town was less the ten years before. The bars in town opened at 9:00am and didn’t close until 4:00am Just long enough to sweep the floor. clean the glasses, and restock the bar.48[1]

This is Beachcombers, formally the S.S. Princess Norah a steamship that ran between Seattle and Alaska. After the Earthquake it was beached at turned into a Restaurant and Bar, with the emphasis on bar. It had a stainless steel dance floor. Some really great bands played there. It also has cabins to rent by the hour.

Well I’m looking at the clock. I have to wrap things up for now. I will have more in later posts about my year long vacation.  But on a final note

I would never compare myself to the people serving today, especially those who are in harms way. Those who come back broken physically and mentally, and end up getting screwed by the V.A.  .

I had too much fun.