Month: June 2016

Here’s an idea.

Government is always in bed with someone or something, it all depends on which side of the political spectrum your on. If you favor dependable energy for consumers at the lowest possible cost, then your in bed with “big oil”

If your on a crusade to “save the planet” then you’ll be in bed with “big solar” and/or “big wind”. Obviously Gov. Shumlin is in between the sheets with both.  As this story attests,

But were told that the vast majority of Vermonters are on board.

A few apparently are not.

While this is going on protest abound against a pipe line to bring natural gas to Vermont.

The local newspaper recently published an editorial lamented that too many young ambitious young people are forsaking Vermont for “greener pastures”. Why, isn’t installing solar panels all over Vermont constitute a great career. We need Young adults to stay and work and PAY TAXES so Vermont can provide FREE HEALTHCARE for all the geezers until the State determines that they are not worth the cost and encourages physician assisted suicide.

Forbes magazine places Vt. at #42 in the nation for business. Energy cost and reliability are a big factor along with regulations.

I can certainly understand why farmers would want to lease some of their land for solar panels. It’s another source of income and perhaps a tax break to boot.  But..

If Vermont is going whole hog with being “Carbon neutral” and at the same time generating enough reliable low cost renewable energy to satisfy business to expand to provide good jobs for young people to raise families.   Why not eliminate dairy farming altogether. Blanket the pastures with solar panels. Fill them up. No more headaches over milk prices. And at he same time you’ve eliminated a major source of greenhouse gas. The methane from COW FARTS!

We just need more government coercion.  to save us from climate catastrophe. It’s just your freedom.




Do you know the way to San Jose?

Does this guy need a geography lesson or does he know something we don’t?

San JoseMaybe we should give California back to Mexico. The whole place is going to fall into the ocean anyway.

It’s not like we have a border or anything.

Oh by the way,  San Jose California is richest city in America.  A lot of very wealthy silicon valley libs live and work in San Jose Ca. .  I’m sure that they favor gun control and wealth redistribution.  Bet you can make good money as a security guard.

Maybe they should convert their money to the peso.

(Photo from a friend who is there)

Is America as we knew it gone?

Well the good old U.S.A. has had a good run. Rush Limbaugh was quoted when Obama was elected in 2008 “I hope he fails”.  Unfortunately  The president has been successful… in transforming the country.

Of course all this was predicted.

“Democracy… while it last is more bloody the either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never last long. It soon wastes, exhaust, and murders itself. There has never  a democracy that didn’t commit suicide.”   John Adams.

“America will never be destroyed from outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms it’s because we destroyed ourselves”.  A. Lincoln

And a few quotes from the foreigner Alexis de Tocqueville

‘The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers it can bribe the public with the public’s money”.

“Democracy extends the sphere of individual freedom, socialism restricts it. Democracy attaches all possible vale to each man; socialism makes each man a mere agent, a mere number. Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word: equality.  But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty. socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude.”

I do not know if the people of the United States would vote for superior men if they ran for office, but they can be no doubt that such men do not run.”  (some do, they’re just not chosen)

“Americans are so enamored in equality, they would rather be equal in slavery then in freedom.”

Yesterday San Diego Ca. the rights of Trump supporters to peacefully assemble was trampled upon the “brown shirts”  of the Democrat party partly inspired by the rhetoric of one Ms. Clinton and  encourage by the Mayor. “All means of protest short of MURDER is justified”. To the “Left” the end always justifies the means.

We live in interesting and scary times.