
The pace of change was accelerating.  Our President was assassinated.  The Beatles landed in America.  Vietnam is still on the back burner but the heat was being turned up.

To the horror of barbershops everywhere guys are letting the hair grow long.  Why? To make a statement against the establishment and conformity, and the girls loved it.  But mostly because the girls loved it.

I remember when my Father said one day “well, think it’s time for a haircut?” I replied no. He was ok with it.  It wasn’t a hill he wanted to fight on.

Of course I bought Beatle albums with my allowance.  A birthday or Christmas present ( I don’t remember which) was a new “Stereo record player” to play them on.

One night I was at my friend “B’s” house.  We were listening to “Buffalo Springfield’s first album. He brought out some thick gummy stuff that he said he got from his older brother who had a friend who was in the army ( I think that’s what it was, so long ago).  He produced a pipe with aluminum foil in it,  stuck a few pinholes,  placed the black gummy stuff in, lit it,  inhaled and passed it to me.  My first time I got high.

High school was next.